Friday, November 2, 2012

CW meeting at our house on Monday!!! - Forums

Our licensing worker/CW moved to another county toward the end of our classes, and so I've been slightly concerned. I've had noone to contact or touch base with for a little while, and that's unnerving to me. I ask a lot of questions, and I'm a planner of the worst sort, KWIM?

The local CD had a meeting to accept or decline our foster homestudy on Oct. 25th. We've heard NOTHING since then other than a CW from another county calling to notify us that we'd been set up with adoption classes in yet another county in December. The adoption classes in ANY county within two hours of driving was at our request. We entered this to foster/adopt, and without those adoption classes we cannot be considered for any staffing. Our homestudy is good only for fostering at this moment.

I believe that straight-fostering is a special calling, and I admire those who can put their heart forward and do so. We aren't ready to go full blown fostering yet. Our family REALLY wants legal-risk, permanency, or even long-term foster as a primary goal. I don't mind doing Respite either. If I *know* it's only babysitting and nothing more I think I can handle it emotionally, particularly when I also *know* the kids are returning to a safe, cared for enviroment in their foster home. I think Emergency and short-term are situations we prefer to not take on right now. We might later. It's just I think we'd be overwhelmed jumping in that deep from the start. We shall see, right?

Anyway, yesterday I received a phone call from our new CW/licensing person, and she wanted to set up a meeting next week. I presume our meeting on Monday evening is going to be signing our foster parent licensing and contracts! However, I don't know. Should I call the new CW's boss and ask? I did ask her, our new CW, what the meeting was over, but she said she didn't know. She just started this position as our CW/LW on Monday, and her boss told her to call and set up the meeting. Fair enough. I *think* we know what it's over, but any way it goes we are more than happy to have a meeting. We've been waiting so long to get to this point that we just want more info if nothing else.

I was kind of wishing and hopeful that MAYBE they also wanted to discuss or give disclosure on the three girls we did respite for. I know in our area that to move foster children from one foster home to another requires a full disclosure meeting. I know the foster parents of these girls said they are wanting them moved, and foster dad stated that he put our names forward to their caseworker in recommendation for a good placement option. Is it too much to hope they'd cover both at once? Does that happen?

I do know that in class our teacher/presenter/homestudy person told us to give it 2-3 weeks AFTER the Oct. 25th meeting before we could expect to be called to sign our foster parenting licensing contracts. So, they went over our homestudy last Thursday and called us on Wed the following's fast, right? I'm not complaining. Maybe our county just moves faster? I know also that we were told that because we are already licensed Respite providers that our foster parent licensing COULD go faster. They are just basically adding onto it rather than entering all new info in the state databases.

The respite kids foster dad had told us he was "committed" up through 10/31 due to the kiddos having court that day, but after that date he thought a move "might be best". It seemed to depend on what direction court was going to take as the foster parents do not want to adopt these three (the oldest of the foster kids is older than his oldest adopted child), and they really are not wanting to keep them long term. With the foster parents recommendation to the caseworker after our respite with the kids IS it likely that we'll be a potential placement?

Last edited by hopefulBunch : Today at 07:22 AM.


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