Thursday, November 22, 2012

Caregiver Blessings at Thanksgiving

?Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.??? ~Marcel Proust

This seems like such a fitting quote as we approach Thanksgiving. As caregivers, we fall into our routines and do what it takes to get through the day. The road is bumpy, and it?s not for the faint of heart. On those occasions when we feel like burying our heads in the sand or running away from home, it?s easy to lose sight of our blessings.

Giving Thanks

The Thanksgiving holiday reminds us to step back from the chaos of day-to-day life and think about all that we have to be grateful for.? It?s a time to remember that while things may not be all peaches and cream, each day is filled with its own little miracles. As Mr. Proust so eloquently stated, it is often the people in our lives we are most thankful for.

This year, I feel indebted to the wonderful human beings who care for my mom day in and day out, happy days and not so happy days. They are our family in every sense of the word. For them, the job never ends. Even at the end of an exhausting 12-hour shift, they go home and worry about their dear ladies. I can only dream of displaying the patience and selflessness that they show every single day.

Faithful Family and Friends

I?m also extremely blessed to have the most wonderful daughter a mother could ask for. When my head is going in a million directions and I?m at the height of worry and frustration, she brings me back to earth with the wisdom of an old soul. She?s a source of strength, she keeps me laughing, she?s my voice of reason, and most importantly, she makes me want to be a better person.

While we?re talking about family, I would be remiss if I didn?t mention my dad. Living four hours away, he gets the short end of the stick but never complains. Knowing that he understands why I have to be here with mom helps to take some of the weight off my shoulders. He?ll never know what a gift that is.

My blessings continue with the best, most supportive, understanding friends in the world. These are the people who graciously allow me to cry on their shoulder when I need to, always have a hug to spare, and would truly do anything for us. When I?m with these people, I can be me ? the good, the bad, and the ugly ? without fearing that they may walk away when times get tough.

In addition to amazing friends, I?m thankful to have a compassionate, supportive work family. They?ve seen me at my best, and they?ve seen me at my worst, tears and all. Whether I need a shoulder to cry on, a sympathetic ear, or someone to cover a meeting for me while I run off to handle an issue with my mom, they are there.

My Inspiration

Finally, I?m grateful for the woman without whom I wouldn?t be here. I feel like my beautiful mama has taught me as much about life and love in the past six years as she had as I was growing up. Without even realizing it, she?s taught me patience, hope, and faith. She has helped me realize that I?m stronger than I think I am. She?s taught me not to take anything for granted and has shown me how to appreciate every tiny, beautiful moment that we share. She?s shown me that when you treat people with kindness, it comes back to you tenfold. And most importantly, she?s taught me to love at a level I never knew possible.

I hope you?re able to take some time this week to count your blessings. Even when circumstances are far from perfect, we can find things to be grateful for. Here?s wishing everyone a beautiful, safe, and blessed Thanksgiving.


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