Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Trustees discuss student debt, online initiatives


POSTED AT 11:55 PM ON Oct. 14, 2012? (UPDATED AT 11:55 PM ON Oct. 14, 2012)

The Board of Trustees met last week and heard updates from many university committees. Here?s some of what you missed:

Employee Health Care

Human Resources Director Dan Rives reported the employee portion of health care premiums will increase in fiscal year 2013-14 due to the University putting a cap on its contributions to the plans.

Student Debt

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Neil Theobald said, ?Student debt is the greatest financial issue facing IU.? He said average debt at graduation has increased by 10 percent during the last two years, and the University must find a way to help flatten the levels of debt.

Online Initiatives

Director of the Office of Online Education Barbara Bichelmeyer updated the trustees on IU?s new IU Online initiative. Since its launch, IU Online has received more than 1,000 expressions of interest, and existing online degrees are receiving more recognition.


John Applegate, vice president for University regional affairs, planning and policy reported IU enrollment has remained stable, but the University is looking at increased competition for the highest quality students in the future. He said the University should focus on improving the on-time completion rate.

Graduate Programs

James Wimbush, director of the IU Graduate School, updated the trustees on the academic quality of graduate programs. The trustees were most interested in the Ph.D. completion time. The national average is 10.1 years, and IU?s completion time ranges from six to a little more than eight years. Trustee Bruce Cole said, ?That?s a lot of years,? and asked Wimbush to look into ways to decrease the time.

IU Student Associations

IU Student Association President Kyle Straub delivered the student report to the trustees and said the biggest issue on campus is safety, specifically a lack of campus lighting and night transportation systems. He said IUSA is working on a comprehensive night shuttle that will provide service to all students on and off campus. He also requested the trustees seek additional student input, especially in the search for Theobald?s successor.

? Michelle Sokol

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Source: http://www.idsnews.com/news/story.aspx?id=89068

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