Tuesday, October 16, 2012

PPP Poll: Romney Surges to Gain Lead in Florida

A new PPP poll in Florida underscores the huge surge Mitt Romney has made in just a week since his widely acknowledgd debate win over President Barack Obama.

Romney gained 5 points over the last three weeks and now leads President Obama 49-48, after trailing 50-46 in late September, the Tampa Bay Times reported Sunday.

"The shift in the race is largely attributable to independent voters shifting their preferences. Where before Obama had a 51-40 advantage with them, now Romney's taken the lead by a 51/43 spread. When it comes to the biggest issue in the election, the economy, Romney's edge over Obama expands to 51/46 on who voters trust more," PPP reported in a release Sunday.

"Romney and Obama's images have headed in difference directions since the Presidential debate. Voters have warmed up to Romney a good bit, going from giving him a negative favorability rating at 44/51 to a positive one at 50/47. Meanwhile Obama's approval numbers have gone the other way. Where before he was on positive ground with 51% of voters approving of him to 47% who disapproved, now he's in slightly negative territory at 48/50.

"There's been a fairly large shift among white voters over the last three weeks. They've gone from favoring Romney by 11 points at 53-42 to 17 points at 57-40. Non-white voters are pretty steady from the last poll including Hispanics who give Obama a slight edge at 50/47. Obama has a small advantage with voters under 65, but Romney erases that with a 52/45 advantage among seniors. Likewise Obama's up with women (51-47) but Romney's ahead by even more with men (52-44).

"The Vice Presidential debate doesn't seem to have made much of a difference with voters in the state. They think Biden won it 44/40, including a 45/34 victory with independents. But in spite of that they still have a more favorable opinion of Ryan (50/44 favorability) than they do of the Vice President (45/50)."

? 2012 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Source: http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/ppp-poll-romney-leads/2012/10/14/id/459943

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