Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Idea

I had an idea come over me today and I decided I would try to throw it out here and see if anyone would be interested.
Pairing is F/F, I have a brief write up of the plot but would work more in detail with my rp partner. I usually do 1x1's through pm and also I like to chat in ooc, keeps me motivated and I also kinda like to know who I am rp'ing with a bit. I only do third person, I really do not like rp'ing in first person.

Two girls have been friends since they were children, they grew up with each other and when they were teens they were the first to tell each other they were lesbians. They supported each other through the turmoil of coming out to their familys and friends. They even experimented with each other but it didnt go to far. As highschool ended they had to go their seperate ways in life for school or their dreams. It is five years later and neither girl had really found anyone that interested them romantically, they kept in contact with each other but lately it has been in spurts. Both girls decide to try online dating, not knowing the other was doing so. They each find someone that they find interesting and they started messaging the person back and forth. Little do they know they are talking to each other.

Now this is just a rough draft of the plot. Id like to work with my rp partner and see what they would have for ideas to deepen the plot. I really am looking for someone that would be committed and not drop out after a few posts. If your not feeling it talk to me, maybe we could figure something out.

If your interested please send me a pm with ideas that you have the would bring more to the rp, I want this to be something we work on together.


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/qxF7VSenStQ/viewtopic.php

peter paul and mary edgar rice burroughs dallas clark litter marinol flight attendant pau gasol trade

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