Thursday, January 31, 2013

Former Liberal cabinet minister Diane Marleau dies of cancer at age 69

OTTAWA - Longtime Liberal MP and former cabinet minister Diane Marleau has died.

The 69-year-old had previously been diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

Marleau was a former municipal councillor and a member of Parliament for Sudbury, Ont., during a political career that spanned nearly three decades.

She held several portfolios in former Liberal prime minister Jean Chretien's cabinet in the 1990s, including stints as minister of health, public works and international co-operation.

She became an outspoken critic of her own government after being dumped from cabinet in 1999.

Interim Liberal Leader Bob Rae called Marleau a loving and enthusiastic woman who dedicated her life to the betterment of others.


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Police warn former St Neots Town manager Dennis Greene after Twitter spat with chairman

Richard Hughes Wednesday, January 30, 2013
12:15 PM

ST Neots Town are attempting to draw a line under the spat with former manager Dennis Greene, who has confirmed to The Hunts Post that he has received a warning from Cambridgeshire police over ?harassment? of the club?s owner and chairman Mike Kearns.

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What began as a falling out on the social media website Twitter, took a dramatic turn on Friday when the club released a statement on its official website, saying: ?All e-mails, texts and tweets that have been received from Mr Greene are now in the hands of the police.?

On Tuesday, Greene confirmed he had received a visit from police and would be issuing his own statement shortly.

?I have an appointment with my solicitor on Friday and I will be possibly going down the route of damages,? he said.

A Cambridgeshire police spokesman confirmed: ?We have received a report of harassment and a warning has been issued and words of advice have been given.?

Greene, who quit as manager of the club in June 2012, and later became the manager of Blue Square North side Histon, says he is still owned money which he was promised following his resignation.

The club, however, don?t believe this to be the case and are actively seeking to recover ?a goodwill gesture? which they say was paid to their former employee.

The statement on the club?s website says: ?As a gesture of goodwill, the club offered Mr Greene two months? salary as he departed, even though he was not entitled to a financial settlement because he had resigned.

?The relationship quickly soured with Mr Greene being generally unprofessional and refusing to cooperate with his departure. This included difficulties in getting club keys returned and his trying to tap players up. In light of this, the goodwill offer was withdrawn. Finally, after a reasonable conversation, we made a renewed offer of one month?s wages, with conditions attached, primarily that Mr Greene would cease all professional contact with St Neots Town FC and its players.?

The statement continues: ?Mr Greene had spoken directly without the club?s permission to a number of players, including players on contract, with the intent to entice them from the club.

?The case against Mr Greene to recover the good will gesture of one month?s salary is pending awaiting further instructions from us to our solicitors.?

Owner and chairman Mike Kearns is on holiday, so it was his son, the club?s managing director Lee Kearns, who contacted the police last week. He told The Hunts Post: ?I had a very nice conversation [with the police] and I made it clear that there is no malice towards Dennis Greene ? we just want to move on. If he does want to pursue this then he should do it through the small claims court.?

Greene, who lost his post as manager of Histon in December because of that club?s current financial problems, still lives in St Neots and is currently looking for another job in football.

?I?d love another job,? he said. ?It?s just a matter of getting the right one.?


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Oil rises near $98 even as US economy contracts

Oil finished near $98 Wednesday, maintaining the momentum that has driven it to four-month highs and pushed up prices at the pump.

A report that showed the U.S. economy unexpectedly contracted in the fourth quarter tempered the gains a bit. Still, oil rose 37 cents to finish at $97.94 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. That's the ninth increase in the last 11 trading sessions and oil shows a gain of $6 a barrel for the year so far.

The government also said that crude oil supplies rose by 5.9 million barrels last week, more than twice what analysts expected, as imports increased. Just a few weeks ago a report showing that big an increase in supplies likely would have sunk oil prices. But traders say conditions now favor higher gas prices.

Jim Ritterbusch, president of energy consultancy Ritterbusch and Associates, said "there's room for additional upside price progress" and he expects "additional strength to the $100 area." Oil hasn't topped $100 a barrel since early May.

He also said a statement from the Federal Reserve reaffirming its commitment to try to stimulate growth by keeping borrowing costs low supported oil.

At the pump, the national average for a gallon of gas jumped 3 cents overnight to reach $3.39 for the first time since Dec. 1. The last time gas rose 3 cents in one day was Aug. 28, when Hurricane Isaac disrupted operations at Gulf Coast refineries, said Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at Oil Price Information Service. He expects the average to reach $3.43 a gallon by Friday.

Brent crude, used to price international varieties of oil, gained 54 cents to end at $114.90 a barrel on the ICE Futures exchange in London.

In other energy futures trading on Nymex:

? Wholesale gasoline rose 6 cents to $3.03 per gallon.

? Natural gas rose 8 cents to $3.34 per 1,000 cubic feet.

? Heating oil was up about a penny at $3.12 a gallon.


Pamela Sampson in Bangkok and Pablo Gorondi in Budapest contributed to this report.


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Casey Anthony reportedly mulling legal career - U.S. News

Joe Burbank / Pool via AP

By Elizabeth Chuck, Staff Writer, NBC News

Casey Anthony's long road through the U.S. justice system has inspired her to consider a new career path: Becoming a paralegal, according to one of her lawyers.

Anthony already knows a good deal about the criminal justice system. ?At 26 she was thrust into the national spotlight when her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, disappeared from their Orlando, Fla., home in 2008.

The toddler's body was found that December and despite Anthony's initial tale of a kidnapping babysitter, the mother was later considered the number one suspect and spent various stints behind bars on charges related to the investigation.

But in July 2011 -- after a trial full of bombshells and intense media attention -- a jury found her not guilty in her daughter's murder, yet convicted her of lying about Caylee's disappearance. A?poll at the time ranked Anthony as America's "most hated woman."?

Anthony, who has received death threats since her trial began, has been in hiding. After she was acquitted of murder but convicted of lying to police, she got credit for the three years of time she served behind bars, and was free to leave; however, she still has a number of civil lawsuits pending against her, which may prevent her from moving beyond Florida state lines.

Now, with just $1,100 worth of assets to her name, according to a recent bankruptcy filing, Anthony is considering ways to start making money.

"She would like to get a job,?I can assure you, but she can't work at McDonald's. People would be looking at her instead of at the menu," one of her attorneys, Charles Greene, told on Monday, several days after Anthony filed for bankruptcy protection in Orlando, Fla.

Greene said Anthony, who hasn't worked for the past four years and is nearly $800,000 in debt, might want to become a paralegal in the future.

"She's better than many paralegals I know," he told "She could be a paralegal or something like that right away. She is very organized, a very intelligent, very computer savvy person, so I think her skills and her desire may lie somewhere in that field."

Greene wouldn't comment on her whereabouts. The most recent sighting the public got of Anthony was in the form of a video diary she had put online, reportedly without the approval of her attorneys, in January 2012.

Anthony may take some more time before she tries to pursue a career, her attorney said, but she "believes strongly in our justice system."?

"You don't go from the most hated woman in the world, according to some media outlets, to being a normal person or being able to live a normal life," Greene said. "I'm not saying she's not a normal person, but people do not perceive her as a normal person."

There are no plans for Anthony to write a "tell-all book" or "tell-all movie," he said.

"The events are very private and Miss Anthony is still yet to come to terms with them and they're still so emotional, so emotionally traumatic for her," he said. "There's just moments she breaks down and starts crying when she starts thinking about it. It's nothing she's going to talk about. She's a very private person and she won't let people see that side of her either. She'll put up a tough face."

Of the approximately $792,000 that Anthony is in debt for, $500,000 is owed to her defense attorney, Jose Baez; $100,000 of it is to search and rescue organization Texas EquuSearch, which is suing her for $100,000 for the time it spent searching for Caylee; and the rest of the money is to the IRS and Florida law enforcement.?

Anthony is also being sued by the woman she claimed had kidnapped Caylee and a former meter reader who found Caylee's body, who says Anthony's attorneys portrayed him as a potential murderer.

Other recent stories on Casey Anthony:



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Daniel Radcliffe Survived 'Horns' Like A 'Boss'

'Harry Potter' star describes upcoming thriller as 'bizarre, but it's very exciting.'
By Josh Wigler, with reporting by Josh Horowitz

Daniel Radcliffe
Photo: MTV News


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Legal Immigration Is A Path To Citizenship - The Political War Zone

PWZ: The Political War Zone: Legal Immigration Is A Path To Citizenship; Illegal Immigration Jumped 9% Last Year; What Has Hillary Really Accomplished?

Legal Immigration Is A Path To Citizenship; Illegal Immigration Jumped 9% Last Year; What Has Hillary Really Accomplished?

Iran has successfully sent a monkey into space. Has anyone seen Slo Joe Biden lately?

  • I happen to be an immigrant. It's why I have a great deal of empathy for those immigrants who want to become citizens legally. It's also why I have a great deal of concern for the plans currently being considered in dealing with what is commonly called a "pathway to citizenship." There is no doubt that we need a comprehensive plan to deal with the over 11 million illegal immigrants in the country today (the number is probably higher). But do we do that at the expense of undermining the rule of law? As even USA Today pointed out: "For liberals, the Senate group's path to citizenship is too long and onerous. Well, too bad. There should be some cost to breaking the law." Speeding up the pathway to citizenship for those who have entered the country illegally would certainly be an affront to those immigrants who follow our laws on their journey to citizenship. And does anyone believe that lawmakers would be speeding up the pathway to citizenship of a majority of illegal immigrants were from ?countries outside of ?Mexico and other Latin American countries?
  • And don't believe a word about the law requiring enforcing border security before any comprehensive plan is passed. Because once the law if passed, border enforcement will be placed on the back burner as it has always been.
  • Having said this, I do support some form of the Dream Act. I don't like the fact that children brought here by the parents illegally should shoulder the consequences of the sins of their parents. For those illegal immigrants, I would support special considerations, e.g. if they serve in the military, they should be fast tracked to citizenship.
  • Again, as USA Today's editorial correctly points out regarding speeding up citizenship for illegal immigrants: "That would be a huge slap in the face to those who played by the rules." In other words, we already have laws enabling immigrants to become citizens. It's called legal immigration.
  • To those Hispanics who keep criticizing Republicans for not wanting to do anything with illegal immigration, Pres. George W. Bush, along with Sen. McCain, presented a plan in 2007 that had bi-partisan support but failed to get any traction.
  • By the way, ICE is reporting that illegal immigration jumped 9% last year. Also, apprehensions have decreased by 50% since 2008.
  • I continue to find the adoration for Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State perplexing and disturbing. What has she really accomplished in her four years in that position? The truthful answer is very little. As John Podhoretz wrote recently, "She {Hillary} does not have a single significant diplomatic achievement in her name." In fact, as he also makes clear, most of the praise for Hillary is specific to celebrating her relentless traveling schedule." The fact is her legacy is empty. But you will never hear or read that by most of the presstitutes in the media.
  • And if you need proof about her tenure, as well as Pres. Obama's strategy of "leading from behind," all you need to do is look at what is happening today in Syria, Libya (Benghazi), Egypt, North Africa (where al-Qaeda has established itself firmly), ?Russia, Iran and N. Korea.
  • But someone knows how to lead from behind. New York magazine on Mayor Bloomberg, ignoring a comment on gun control and instead focusing on a woman in a tight-fitting dress: "Look at that ass."


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Transportation secretary to leave administration

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, the only Republican still in President Barack Obama's first-term Cabinet, said Tuesday he plans to leave the administration. His move continues an exodus that will give Obama's team a new look in his second term.

The 67-year-old LaHood, a former congressman from Illinois, pushed for greater safety on the highways and in the air.

He led the Transportation Department throughout Obama's first term and helped steer a campaign to curb distracted driving, promote high-speed rail and repair roads and bridges. Under his watch, the department demanded tougher fuel efficiency requirements for automakers and took steps to address airline pilot fatigue.

Obama thanked LaHood in a statement, saying they were "drawn together by a shared belief that those of us in public service owe an allegiance not to party or faction, but to the people we were elected to represent. And Ray has never wavered in that belief."

LaHood said in an interview with The Associated Press that he told Obama a week after the November election that he needed to move on but said he was still "conflicted" by his decision because he liked working for Obama and considered it the "best job I've ever had in public service."

He said he plans to remain at the department until his successor is confirmed by the Senate, which he expected in about two months. The only other Republican who was in Obama's first-term Cabinet was Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who stepped aside and was replaced by Democrat Leon Panetta earlier.

LaHood said he would not run for public office in his home state of Illinois and said he did not have any specific plans.

"I have had a good run. I'm one of these people who believe that you should go out while they're applauding," he said. LaHood said he was content to watch from the sidelines as his oldest son, Darin, serves in the Illinois state senate.

Obama is remaking his Cabinet at the beginning of his second term with the departures of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Panetta and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. In addition to LaHood, the heads of the Interior and Labor departments also have announced their resignations in recent weeks.

The Transportation Department has carried a bipartisan imprint in recent years and been the place for a president to ask a member of the opposing party to serve. Former Rep. Norman Mineta, a California Democrat, served as Transportation secretary during the administration of President George W. Bush. Obama has nominated former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel, a Republican, to serve as defense secretary to succeed Panetta.

Possible replacements for LaHood include Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who has pushed for increased rail service in Los Angeles and served as chairman of last year's Democratic National Convention, and Debbie Hersman, the chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board. The name of former Rep. Jim Oberstar of Minnesota, who led the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, has also been mentioned.

LaHood, 67, served seven terms in Congress representing a central Illinois district that includes his hometown of Peoria, Ill., and overlapped with Obama in the state's delegation during the last four years of his career.

At the department, LaHood provided a bipartisan voice during the first term, helping implement billions of dollars in transportation projects from the 2009 economic stimulus bill and promoting the plan to wary Republicans. The department pushed forward thousands of infrastructure projects to improve roads and bridges and LaHood worked with Congress last year to pass an overhaul of highway and transit programs that gives states more flexibility in how they spend federal money.

He tackled a number of regulations that had been mired in gridlock. LaHood worked with auto makers and environmentalists to develop tougher fuel efficiency standards for new cars, with the goal of providing environmental benefits and reducing fuel consumption.

Guarding against airline pilot fatigue, the Federal Aviation Administration set new rules under LaHood's watch that would limit the maximum time a pilot can be scheduled on duty and place limits on scheduled flying time and hours for pilots flying overnight. The action was prompted by a deadly plane crash near Buffalo, N.Y., that raised concerns about pilot fatigue.

LaHood also has taken on major transportation companies during his tenure, slapping Toyota Motor Co. with record fines for delaying safety recalls and failing to promptly report problems to federal regulators.

He recently ordered United Airlines to ground its Boeing 787 Dreamliner following mishaps with the aircraft's batteries. The FAA is investigating the cause of the problems to the Dreamliner, which uses lithium ion batteries and is the world's first airliner whose structure is made mostly from lightweight composite materials.

Perhaps LaHood's most passionate work has involved distracted driving, which he has called a "national epidemic." He has launched a national media campaign to end texting and cellphone use by drivers, an awareness campaign that has drawn comparisons to efforts to promote seat belt use more than a generation ago.

The grandfather of 10, LaHood has often emphasized the toll that deaths and injuries from distracted driving can inflict on families.

"Safety will be something that people will remember us for in all modes of transportation," LaHood said.


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THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, the only Republican in President Barack Obama's first-term Cabinet, says he plans to leave the Obama administration.

The former congressman from Illinois says in an interview with The Associated Press that he intends to remain at the department until his successor is confirmed.

LaHood has helped the Obama administration steer through a number of safety measures and highway projects during the past four years. His record has included steps to curb distracted driving, promote high-speed rail projects and improve roads and bridges.

Under his watch, the department has pushed tougher fuel efficiency requirements for automakers and safeguards against airline pilot fatigue.

LaHood says he will not run for public office in Illinois, saying he believes "you should go out while they're applauding."


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Marshall Fine: Movie Review: Stand Up Guys

The waste of talent in Fisher Stevens' Stand Up Guys is criminal. It's the movie equivalent of shooting a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

This tale of three aging lawbreakers -- played by Al Pacino, Christopher Walken and Alan Arkin -- is not just clich?d. It's witless, to boot. The script by first-timer Noah Haidle longs for depth, even as it makes Viagra jokes (poor Pacino is forced utter them). It wants to be Tarantino-esque, blending wisecracks with wild violence. Instead, it just stumbles from one scene to the next, a long journey into night that will leave you dazed.

Walken plays Doc, who apparently spends his days painting the same landscape of an L.A. River bridge over and over. But on the day in which the story transpires, he packs up his paints and heads for the prison gates, where his best friend, Val (Pacino), is being released after a lengthy stretch.

Very quickly we get the gist: Doc has orders from their old boss, Claphands (Mark Margolis), to kill Val when he's released, because Claphands also has something he's holding over Doc's head. But Doc's deadline is 10 a.m. the next day, so he's willing to let Val have a memorable final night. Val knows this and is determined to make the most of it.

So let's see: hookers and blow, right? Well, hookers, at the least. And then a lot of driving around -- including springing their old pal Hirsch (Arkin) from the nursing home where he's spending his last days connected to an oxygen tank. Hirsch, their longtime getaway driver, takes them on a wild ride and gets a ride himself, when they head back to the same brothel where Val got his pipes cleaned.

But the sword of doom is hanging over Val -- and Claphands (as stupid and contrived a character name as any I've heard in a while) keeps sending thugs to intrude on his final hours. The joke (allegedly) is that these aging wiseguys have a few violent tricks left up their collective sleeves, which they pull off easily because the thugs are too stupid to expect them.

Arkin jolts the film to life during his brief sojourn on the screen. Pacino and Walken have an easy chemistry, but their material is too stale for them to ever really get any traction. There are moments, to be sure, including one when Pacino muses on mortality, when things feel real for a moment. But only for a moment.

There should be a penalty for assembling a cast this good (it includes Julianna Margulies and Lucy Punch) and then forcing them to work from a script as bad as this. If there were such a thing as movie jail, Stand Up Guys and its creators would be serving life without parole.

Find more reviews, interviews and commentary on my website.




Follow Marshall Fine on Twitter: Fine

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Employers Embrace Wellness Trends to Save Money and Improve ...


As healthcare costs continue to escalate, employers are starting to embrace wellness trends to control costs and manage stress. In addition, wellness activities often improve employee engagement and?retention, which helps companies reduce their turnover costs. Healthier, happier employees- it?s a win-win!

Work related stress is estimated to cost American companies more than $300 billion annually. Employees suffering from stress have higher absentee rates and are less productive. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reports that work related stress accounts for 40% of job turnover. On average, it costs businesses one fifth of an employee?s salary to replace that worker, and it can cost up to 200% of their annual salary.

Wellness Strategies Encourage Healthy Behaviors

Businesses are integrating wellness strategies into an overall health enhancing work experience. They offer numerous options, including health club discounts, personal training sessions, weight reduction programs, smoking cessation and meditation. Healthy habits can prevent or lower the risk of serious health conditions and help manage an existing condition. Employers are challenged to get employees actively ?engaged? in their health and wellness and create a culture that supports healthy lifestyles long term. Simple changes such as offering healthy choices in the caf? and encouraging employees to take an hour break at lunch time can go a long way. More progressive companies are pursuing more innovative ways such as walking meetings and standing workstations. Many companies leverage their enterprise social network and mobile apps to motivate employees, track milestones and celebrate successes.

Focus on Mental Fitness

Mental fitness is increasingly being recognized as an equally important trend. Leading companies such as Google, Target and General Mills are including meditation instruction as part of stress reduction programs. Harvard Pilgrim?s ?Mindfulness? program helps you into your own strength to manage stress, increase mental discipline. Benefits include training your mind to be more focused, to ?see with clarity? and to have ?spaciousness for creativity,? which builds resilience and spurs innovation.

Win-Win Situation

Robust wellness programs can lower healthcare costs,?improve productivity?and increase engagement and retention. It?s no longer just a ?nice thing to do,? it?s a smart business move.

What is your company doing to promote wellness? What are your goals? Any successes that you can share with us? I look forward to your comments.


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Article by Lisa Bonner

Lisa C. Bonner is Senior Vice President/Principal Consultant with Roberts Golden Consulting. She is committed to working differently and fearlessly to help organizations solve complex business problems and create a culture of innovation. Lisa is the proud mother of very active 14 year old twin boys, and resides in Suffield, Connecticut.? Connect with her on LinkedIn or on Twitter @LisaCBonner.

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Study Bolsters Quantum Vibration Scent Theory

Girl Smelling Marigolds Girl Smelling Marigolds Image: Flickr/moodboardphotography

How does the sense of smell work? Today two competing camps of scientists are at war over this very question. And the more controversial theory has just received important new experimental confirmation.

At issue is whether our noses use delicate quantum mechanisms for sensing the vibrations of odor molecules (aka odorants). Does the nose, in other words, read off the chemical makeup of a mystery odorant?say, a waft of perfume or the aroma of wilted lettuce?by ?ringing? it like a bell? Chemistry and forensics labs do this all the time with spectrometers?machines that bounce infrared light off mystery materials to reveal the telltale vibrations that the light provokes. Olfaction might, according to the vibration theory of smell, do the same using tiny currents of electrons instead of infrared photons (see previous coverage of the vibration theory here).

The predominant theory of smell today says: No way. The millions of different odorants in the world are a little more like puzzle pieces, it suggests. And our noses contain scores of different kinds of receptors that each prefer to bind with specific types of piecesSo a receptor that is set to bind to a molecule called limonene sends a signal to our brains when it finds that compound, and that's one of the cues behind the smell of citrus. Likewise that same receptor wouldn't bind to hydrogen sulfide?which smells of rotten eggs.

So, the promoters of the standard theory say, the familiar chemical interactions between receptor and odorant are all that's needed to explain olfaction. No fancy quantum vibration theory is necessary.

Yet here's a twist: odorant molecules typically contain many hydrogen atoms. And hydrogen comes in multiple forms, each very chemically similar to the others. But those different isotopes of hydrogen do strongly affect how a molecule vibrates. So deuterium, containing a hydrogen nucleus that has both a proton and a neutron (as opposed to plain-old-hydrogen that has just a proton), might help scientists discriminate between the proposed vibration and standard chemical binding theories of olfaction.

According to new research published today in PLoS ONE, human noses can sniff out the presence of at least some kinds of deuterium. Specifically, experimenters found regular musk molecules smelled different from ones that contain deuterium. "Deuterated" musks, says researcher Luca Turin of the Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center in Greece, lose much of their musky odor and instead contain overtones of burnt candle wax.

The finding represents a victory for the vibration theory, Turin says. And, he adds, it makes some sense, when you consider the purpose of our olfactory ability?whatever its mechanism is. The natural world contains thousands of types of molecules. Some are good for us, and some are bad. The nose helps to distinguish one from the other. "Olfaction is trying to be like an analytical chemist," Turin says. "It's trying to identify unknowns." Chemists identify unknowns using spectrometers. Olfactory receptors, according to the vibration theory, act like little wetware spectrometers.

Adding to Turin's quiver is a 2011 finding in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences indicating that drosophila flies, too, can smell the difference between a molecule called acetophenone (which to humans smells sweet) and its deuterated cousin.

That?s all well and good, says Eric Block, professor of chemistry at the University at Albany in New York State. But, he says, it hardly proves the vibration theory. For one, he points out that Turin once claimed humans, like drosophilia, could sniff out a deuterated version of the molecule acetophenone from the regular stuff. But in 2004 Nature Neuroscience published a contrary claim, that human noses can't smell the presence of deuterium in acetophenone (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group). In Turin?s new paper, he says he's confirmed the 2004 finding, but Block remains unconvinced.


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IBM links CMS, analytics to Connections - Page 1 - Communications ...

IBM is looking to sign up HR managers to a beefed up version of its enterprise social networking suite Connections which feature new content management and analytics capabilities.

The upgrades on IBM Connections 4.5 include analytic features that enable administrators to monitor such things as collaboration trends among employees as well as customer engagement in social services like Facebook and Twitter.
Image courtesy of


IBM's latest version of Connections was unveiled today at the Connect 2013 Conference in Orlando brings Connections closers to stronger rivals such as Microsoft?s SharePoint. Connections 4.5 will be available in March this year.

The new content management functions includes features that enable human resources and marketing departments push out to employees collaboration tools for micro blogging, instant messaging, document sharing, video conferencing and content rating. The new tools also manage activity streams, content rating, discussion forums and wikis.


Some recent surveys, however, suggests that ESN are failing to meet expectations in the large enterprise space.

These surveys show that ESN implementations are weighed down by sharp drop in user interest after an initial surge of fervor. Another common hindrance mentioned is lack of executive buy in.

Essentially, researchers are finding that in many companies there is a dearth of content creators and insufficient interest on the part of intended content consumers.



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Sen. Ted Cruz: ?deep concerns? about immigration blueprint; Sen ...

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has weighed in on the bipartisan immigration blueprint unveiled this afternoon.He has ?deep concerns? about the central element, a proposed path to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants.

?I appreciate the good work that senators in both parties have put into trying to fix our broken immigration system.?There are some good elements in this proposal, especially increasing the resources and manpower to secure our border and also improving and streamlining legal immigration. However, I have deep concerns with the proposed path to citizenship.?To allow those who came here illegally to be placed on such a path is both inconsistent with rule of law and profoundly unfair to the millions of legal immigrants who waited years, if not decades, to come to America legally.?

Texas? senior senator, John Cornyn, the No. 2 Senate Republican and a onetime advocate of comprehensive immigration reform, sounded reluctant to set aside the security-first approach that he and most Republicans embraced after the last comprehensive push failed six years ago.

?There are many facets to immigration reform, but one that must be addressed first and foremost is our porous border,? said Cornyn spokeswoman Megan Mitchell.

On Fox News this morning, Cornyn himself sidestepped a direct assessment of the blueprint, which already had been widely circulated: ?Gotta pass both Houses of Congress, and we?ve got a lot of work to do,? he said, reiterating his call for ?presidential leadership? on the issue.


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New Idea

I had an idea come over me today and I decided I would try to throw it out here and see if anyone would be interested.
Pairing is F/F, I have a brief write up of the plot but would work more in detail with my rp partner. I usually do 1x1's through pm and also I like to chat in ooc, keeps me motivated and I also kinda like to know who I am rp'ing with a bit. I only do third person, I really do not like rp'ing in first person.

Two girls have been friends since they were children, they grew up with each other and when they were teens they were the first to tell each other they were lesbians. They supported each other through the turmoil of coming out to their familys and friends. They even experimented with each other but it didnt go to far. As highschool ended they had to go their seperate ways in life for school or their dreams. It is five years later and neither girl had really found anyone that interested them romantically, they kept in contact with each other but lately it has been in spurts. Both girls decide to try online dating, not knowing the other was doing so. They each find someone that they find interesting and they started messaging the person back and forth. Little do they know they are talking to each other.

Now this is just a rough draft of the plot. Id like to work with my rp partner and see what they would have for ideas to deepen the plot. I really am looking for someone that would be committed and not drop out after a few posts. If your not feeling it talk to me, maybe we could figure something out.

If your interested please send me a pm with ideas that you have the would bring more to the rp, I want this to be something we work on together.



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Climate change blamed for Australia's extreme weather

The east coast of Australia has been drenched by floods and torrential rains, even as recent bush fires affecting much of the country continued to burn. Four people are known to have died as Australians get a further taste of extreme weather that is predicted to become more common as the planet warms.

The deluge came as a storm that started as tropical cyclone Oswald just north of Australia was dragged south over most of the east coast by a low-pressure system extending all the way to New South Wales, says Richard Wardle of the Bureau of Meteorology in Queensland. As it hit land, Oswald lost its cyclone status but remained a "vigorous" storm, Wardle says.

With no low-pressure zone further east to pull Oswald out to sea, the storm stayed over land, moving slowly south and dumping huge amounts of rain on coastal communities. Bundaberg, a town in Queensland, experienced its worst-ever flood as the storm lingered nearby for nearly 24 hours, leading to the evacuation of 7500 people from their homes. In Brisbane, the floods were almost as bad as those that devastated the city two years ago.

Climate change to blame

In Queensland and New South Wales, the deluge arrived while the bush fires that broke out two weeks were still smouldering. At the time, the Bureau of Meteorology said that the exceptionally hot, dry weather that led to the fires was "consistent" with climate change. Experts are now drawing the same conclusions about the rains.

"The frequency of more intense events is going to increase. Droughts, heatwaves and ? in northern Australia ? rainfall events and tropical cyclones are going to be more intense," says Jon Nott of James Cook University in Townsville, Australia, who researches extreme weather events.

Nott says that more intense rainfall in the tropics and subtropics is one of the things we can expect with global warming. The connection between tropical cyclones and climate change is complicated: fewer cyclones are expected, but the ones that strike will be more severe. They could also become 20 per cent wetter.

Nott points out that Australia might be experiencing a "double whammy" of climate change and natural variability, driving wetter conditions. One natural pattern, the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, affects circulation in the Pacific, and reverses every 20 or 30 years. It flipped about five years ago for the first time since 1977, bringing warmer waters to Australia's east coast. "During those phases, Queensland sees more flooding, more rainfall, and more landfalling tropical cyclones," Nott says. Climate change will only compound the effects of such patterns, he says.

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The Five Most Expensive Residential Properties to Recently Come ...

Think you have what it takes to be a real estate whale? Here are some recently listed pricey abodes for your consideration. 112 homes have come onto the market in the past seven days. Let's take a photo tour of the five most expensive.

4-bed, 5.5-bath, 4,900 sq. ft. single-family home

This abode recently completed quite the renovation that's all about namedropping: David Armour is the architect and Heather Hillard designed the interiors. Property highlights include up close and personal views of the Golden Gate Bridge and an au-pair suite on the garden level.

Einstein Law News? Blog Archive ? Introducing a New Resource for ...

The Law Offices of Larry S. Buckley is a premier law practice in Northern California. With four office locations and a team of professionals led by Mr. Buckley, the practice is uniquely equipped to meet the needs of injured victims and their families. They provide sound legal counsel and handle a comprehensive range of cases, ranging from personal injury to workers? compensation. The firm needed a website that was robust and comprehensive, one that truly represented the firm and its services, and one that could serve as a valuable resource for those individuals who have been injured as a result of another party?s negligence. The team turned to Einstein Law to accomplish this goal.

A Comprehensive Website

The website is an invaluable resource for personal injury victims. It features pages covering a wide range of topics, each of which thoroughly addresses the various factors one must consider before filing a claim, including how to determine liability, which damages the plaintiff can pursue in court, and common causes of the injury, as well as information relating to the victim?s rights and the defendant?s duty. Legal topics covered on the website of the Law Offices of Larry S. Buckley include:

  • Auto Accidents
  • Trucking Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents
  • Product Liability
  • Premises Liability
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Dog Bites
  • Burn Injury
  • Wrongful Death
  • Workers? Compensation

The team at The Law Offices of Larry S. Buckley is well-versed in all of these areas of litigation. The firm?s founder, Mr. Buckley, specializes in personal injury, wrongful death, product liability, insurance bad faith, and medical malpractice. Workers? compensation claims are overseen by associate attorney Gregory S. Wilson, while associate attorney Richard Dalrymple III handles claims involving personal injury.

Larry S. Buckley ? An Accomplished, Seasoned Attorney

Mr. Buckley is a native of Northern California and takes great pride in serving his community. He has a strong academic background and has learned a tremendous amount through his life experiences ? not the least of which is his strong work ethic, which is the result of growing up on a ranch and beginning work at a very young age. Upon graduation from high school, Mr. Buckley attended California State University Chico for undergraduate studies, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree. He then went on to receive his Juris Doctorate from the Gonzanga School of Law.

An American Jurisprudence Award recipient, Mr. Buckley is a well-respected trial attorney. His memberships include the American Trial Lawyers Association, Consumer Advocates of California, Million Dollar Advocate Forum, and Multi-million Dollar Advocate Forum. He is admitted to practice law in the State of California, and holds memberships with the Butte County Bar Association, Shasta County Bar Association, and Sacramento Bar Association. He handles cases throughout Northern California.

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H.265 video gets approved, sets the stage for more efficient 1080p, eventual 4K

H.256 video gets approved, sets the stage for more efficient 1080p, eventual 4K

H.265, the next generation video codec from the consortium that brought you the current Apple standard, H.264, has been approved by the International telecommunications Union (ITU). In a press release, the ITU said:

The new codec will considerably ease the burden on global networks where, by some estimates, video accounts for more than half of bandwidth use. The new standard, known informally as ?High Efficiency Video Coding? (HEVC) will need only half the bit rate of its predecessor, ITU-T H.264 / MPEG-4 Part 10 ?Advanced Video Coding? (AVC), which currently accounts for over 80 per cent of all web video. HEVC will unleash a new phase of innovation in video production spanning the whole ICT spectrum, from mobile devices through to Ultra-High Definition TV.

Downloading 1080p files that are half the size will be great. When Ultra HD (aka 4K, aka 2160p) goes into broader released, we'll see what file sizes those monsters end up having. at 4 times the pixels, even half the size will still be twice as big as 1080p. And that's if/when Apple chooses to adopt it and integrate support for it into iTunes, and into iOS devices, most especially the Apple TV. Since they only added 1080p last year, it could be a bit of a wait... Hopefully H.265 support for 1080p will be faster.

Either way, nice to see the technology moving forward. My flash storage thanks you!

Source: ITU, thanks Anthony!


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J.J. Abrams' Star Wars May Arrive After 2015

With the news late last week that J.J. Abrams was chosen to direct Star Wars: Episode VII, the online community naturally went ballistic. Now we've hit another spot in the life cycle of a movie where fan interest is spiked, and every square inch of this sucker will be analyzed until we feel its time to move onto something else. From the Producers Guild Awards over the weekend come the first quotes from Abrams on his new Star Wars directing gig, and for starters he's wisely making it all about the fans, telling the Huffington Post, ?I can just say what I want to do: I want to do the fans proud. I want to make sure the story is something that touches people. And we're just getting started. I'm very excited.?

We like how his first thoughts are about the fans and getting it right for them, which already feels like a different vibe from how George Lucas approached it. With Lucas, it always felt like it was about Lucas and what was in his head, or what he felt he needed to tell. Abrams sounds like he's immediately attacking two huge Star Wars needs: a movie that fans will be happy about, as well as one that resonates emotionally, like the original trilogy does. The dude is definitely off to a good start there.

To E!, he added,??It really is an incredible thing. It's wildly surreal. It's obviously way too early to talk specifics... but I'm excited to actually start it."

And about actually starting it: The Hollywood Reporter mentions that Abrams has not committed to the current 2015 release date, and that if the production warrants that date getting pushed back, it'll get pushed back. Abrams pulled a similar move with the Star Trek sequel, which Paramount originally wanted in theaters in 2012, but was able to get it pushed back to 2013. In the end, though, it could be a good thing, with 2015 already packed with big movies like The Avengers 2, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, a potential Justice League movie and maybe even Avatar 2.

In the meantime, Abrams will be busy for the next few months rolling out Star Trek Into Darkness this May, and word is he'll remain onboard to produce both Star Trek 3 and the next Mission: Impossible movie, as well as several TV pilots. So chances are that Star Wars date will get pushed back -- maybe to Memorial Day weekend 2016 -- but Disney may not want to wait that long to get a Star Wars movie in theater, so we'll have to see how it all shakes out.

Would you be fine waiting till 2016 to get this Star Wars movie if it meant everyone had more time to get it right?

While we wait for more news, here's a dorky trailer that mashes up Star Trek and Star Wars. Expect more of this. A lot more of this.

Follow along on Twitter @ErikDavis and @Moviesdotcom.



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House budget chief: automatic spending cuts "going to happen" (reuters)

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Chris Brown reportedly in punch-up over parking

John Shearer / AP, file

Police said they had not yet been in contact with Chris Brown.

By Marian Smith, Staff Writer, NBC News

Grammy-winning singer Chris Brown is being investigated following an alleged fight over a parking space in West Hollywood, police said early Monday.

Authorities responded to a call of a fight involving six males in Santa Monica Boulevard, the LA County Sheriff's Department said in a statement.

"Deputies talked to witnesses who stated that Chris Brown and the victim were involved in an altercation over a parking space," the statement added. "The altercation allegedly led to Chris Brown punching the victim."

Brown had already left when officers arrived, police said.

Police said they had not yet been in contact with Brown. No arrests have been made.

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Personal Bank Loans vs. Family Loans - My Personal Finance Journey

Welcome to My Personal Finance Journey! If you are new here, please read the "About" or "First-Time Visitor" pages to find out more about us. If you would like to receive free updates on articles like this by email, then sign up here or you can?subscribe to the RSS feed. Also, check us out on Twitter or Facebook. Thanks for visiting! Keep on learning!

Click here?to enter my free $51.95 giveaway for a chance to win 5% of My Personal Finance Journey blog income and give another 5% to a charity of your choosing! Deadline to enter is January 31st, 2013.

The following is a guest post. Enjoy!

No one likes to be in debt, but?taking out personal loans from time to time?is often necessary, especially if the loan is for an investment ? e.g. to buy a first house, finance your education, or get a start-up business off the ground.??? There are well-documented problems that borrowers can encounter with high-interest loans, whether that is caused by poor financial management, or taking out a reasonable loan but not understanding the terms. Even if we are unable to pay a loan back as quickly as we had initially agreed, there is help available for borrowers to consolidate their debt and get out from underneath it. In certain states and counties, debtors who get behind on their payments can actually wind up in private prisons run by contractors, even though debtors? prisons have been mostly illegal in the USA since the Civil War. However, if you find yourself blessed with friends or family who have disposable cash to hand (and like you), there is a great temptation to take a loan from a personal acquaintance instead of a bank or lending institution. And, it makes sense: it's often quicker and easier, with less red tape and better terms (perhaps your friend or family member has even offered to let you pay back the loan interest-fee), and on a whole, it somehow feels less scary; no paper-work or intimidating payment reminders from the bank. But as they say, buyer beware. The danger with borrowing money from someone you know is that money can become a divisive issue; indeed, it is an issue that has been known to destroy relationships and ruin friendships. In fact, an overwhelming number of marital problems and divorces are down to money-related conflicts, which should serve as a strong caution to even the most amiable friend or relative who might offer you financial help. One major stumbling block with family loans is that people may not be honest with you ? i.e., the money may be more important to them than they initially indicate. The importance of recouping that money, and the lender?s expectations as to how quickly you'll pay them back, often goes unstated. Furthermore, you may take their generosity for granted and assume they'll 'let it slide' or that they'll understand if you can't make your repayments every month. It is easy to allow one month of non-payment turn into two months or four; sometimes, it turns into a year, with the hope or assumption that the loan has been forgiven. It is easy to imagine how this might fracture the relationship. An interesting?study was conducted by Carnegie Mellon University?? we have a tendency, especially in situations where we are borrowing money from a friend or family member, to confuse fairness with self-interest. So at the end of the day, which is more important to you: money or your relationships? How about you all? Would you be willing to give a loan to a family member or have you ever taken out one of these? If so, how did it work? Did it create any family stress? Did you have a written agreement?

Share your experiences by commenting below!
***Photo courtesy of?


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YouSendIt (for iPhone)

Who among us hasn't felt the sting that comes when an email fails to reach its intended recipient due to a mammoth file attachment? YouSendIt specializes in remedying that problem by allowing users to upload large files to its servers and then share the simple, lightweight generated link with others. The company's revamped iPhone and iPod touch app not only lets you email large files with no worries, but lets you digitally sign documents and store files in the cloud as well. If any of those features sound appealing, the free YouSendIt app is worth a download.

The Basics
You start by creating a free account from within the app or login with your credentials should already have an account. After doing so, you're taken to the YouSendIt home screen where four icons live: My Folders, Send, Sign, and Store.

Tapping Send lets you upload a file from your My Folders, Photo Library, or Camera folders to YouSendIt's servers and then key in an email address. I like that YouSendIt displays how much data has been transferred so that you have a sense of how long the entire process will take. Once the email lands in the recipient's mailbox, YouSendIt sends you a confirmation email stating that the message was delivered. Much better than a bounce-back notification, eh?

In my testing on a relatively clean iPhone 5?YouSendIt for iPhone crashed a few times. The good news is that when I relaunched the app, it picked up where I let off pre-crash.

YouSendIt now lets you digitally sign documents?an incredibly useful feature if you've ever had to Hancock a digital document. Here's how it works: when you receive a document via email, tap and hold the attachment, select Open in YouSendIt, and choose a destination folder. Tapping "Quick Sign" opens a blank area where you can scribble in a signature, change the font, or enlarge the signature's size.

That said, it's difficult to key in a signature while holding an iPhone vertically, as the screen slides from right to left as you write. Turning the phone horizontally, however, makes the process much easier as it scrolls at the pace that you finger your signature. You can save your e-signature for use at a later time, which is very handy.

YouSendIt also acts as a file storage service. Bringing a finger to "Store" lets you save a file to your allotted YouSendIt storage space.

Pricing and File Management
How you use YouSendIt directly corresponds to your account type. Free account holders can store a maximum of 2GB of data, five e-signatures, and upload files up to 50MB in size. Pro accounts (starting at $9.99 per month) house 5GB of data, hold 10 e-signatures, and let you upload 2GB files at a time. Pro Plus accounts (starting at $14.99 per month) one-up Pro accounts by offering unlimited file storage and e-signatures. There's a plan for nearly every user scenario.

Swiping over a folder or file opens the Open In, Email Link, Copy Link, Rename, and Delete options. I like that a user has to swipe to reveal these options as it keeps the interface uncluttered. My Folders offers additional options when you tap the drop-down arrow: Store, "Add New Folders, Sort Files, and Organize. This option set proves essential to keeping my YouSendIt files and folders organized,

A Highly Useful App
YouSendIt is an app you should have on your iPhone or iPod touch if you frequently find yourself in situations where you need to email large files. The e-signature feature is welcome bonus feature that proves equally useful. The crashes were a bit irritating, but they didn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying the app. YouSendIt is a highly recommended convenience utility for the iPhone.

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