Friday, August 17, 2012

Defining PR (Hint: It doesn' - The Business of Being a Mom

Along with marketing and advertising, the practice of public relations (PR), is rooted in communications.? Because of this, many people often consider these three areas of business one in the same or interchangeable.? Not so.? PR is a unique entity when it comes to communicating with the public.? Built on the principle of managing the flow of information from a person or business to the public (think early publicity for circuses, railways and public appearances), PR has evolved into a more strategic form of communication far beyond generating publicity.

The current approach to PR is really about building and maintaining positive relationships and making connections with people or organizations that have formed or will form an opinion about your business.

Why PR is Useful

By building useful and mutually beneficial relationships with the media, analysts, organizations, customers, early adopters, etc., you are creating a network of interest or buzz about your product or service.? This then can lead to positive exposure in the media, can create internet sensations, and position your product or service in a positive light.

Imagine you?ve just written a potential best seller but no one has heard of you or your ?future book?.? The first thing you would want to do would be to find a press agent to represent you and your work.? They in turn would help you find a publisher to work with on editing and rewriting and hopefully publishing your work.? From there, you would embark on a series of meetings and/or interviews (via your press agent) that would generate interest in your book.? Positive reviews are written, people buy your book and you become a best-selling author!? While all of this is happening, you?ve reached a great number of people including your agent, publishers, and editors who will talk your book up within their circles.

Okay, that may be an oversimplified example but you get the idea.? Building and maintaining positive relationships (including but not exclusively with media) can help you reach your business goals.

Another way PR can be useful is when you or your product or service is in crisis mode.? For example, this week, a child floor seat was recalled for safety issues.? The company that made the product needed to disseminate accurate information (vs. crazy Internet rumblings) about the recall and where to go for further information.? This is where you or a PR specialist is needed to work with the press to get the right information out to customers and investors.? In addition, you or your PR person can help manage the flow of accurate information to stores and others affected by the recall.

Getting Started

Having an understanding of the role PR plays in company communications is one thing.? Getting started down the path to good PR is another.? Like most other areas of business, a good place is start any program is at the beginning ? with a plan.? Your PR plan will serve as a roadmap for where you want to go (communications-wise) and include things like a situation analysis, objectives, strategies and tactics.?? Above all else, it will address a fundamental question and that is, ?What is the business problem you are trying to solve??? For example, are you struggling to get your company name out there, are your sales down, are you a new business trying to break into a new sector, is your company falling prey to negative remarks from the competition?? These are all ?problems? or ?issues? that a good PR plan can help you address.

You can choose to take PR on yourself (especially if you have a communications background) or you can choose to hire a PR firm or contractor.? When hiring someone, look for a group or person that specializes in your area of business.? Perhaps you need assistance in government, financial or industry relations or you need a firm that specializes in consumer PR, branding, or crisis management.? Working with a dedicated PR executive who has the expertise and relationships with the media will free you up to work on other aspects of your business.? Remember, it?s their job to spot trends in communications and to know your target audience and how best to reach them.

A Word on Press Releases

A lot of new companies look to the ever reliable press release when they want to share or communicate news about their product, business or service.? While press releases can be really great, they are but one way to ?get the word out,? and they don?t always generate the original stories you want to see written about your product or service.? The number of press releases sent every day to wire services like PR Newswire, Businesswire or PRWeb range in the thousands.? That means your press release is one in literally thousands out there every day begging for attention.? So, in addition to needing to be well written, press releases need to focus on servicing the reader ? giving them the specific information they are looking for up front.? They also have to actually be newsworthy.? What makes something newsworthy?? The information being communicated needs to be new/timely, relevant to current events or trends, exciting, educational or have a human interest bent.? It?s not enough for you to believe in your product or service, others have to also.? Ask yourself why others should care as much as you do before sending out a release.

For more information and PR references, check out our resource page under PR (a Mompreneurs Best Friend).


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