Monday, April 29, 2013

How to Control Inflammation with Diet | Body Health ? Bodybuilding ...


Inflammation ?n th? body h?? b??n associated w?th many different ailments ?n? diseases, b?t m??t people ?? n?t understand th?t th??r diet ?n? nutrition ??n h??? ?n effect. Inflammation ??n come w?th injury ?r illness, ?r ?t ?? sometimes a result ?f unhealthy weight ?n? eating habits. N? matter wh?r? ?t comes fr?m, eating ??rt??n foods w??? h??? keep inflammation t? a minimum.

Healthy Weight

Keeping ???r ideal healthy weight w??? ?? a long way towards avoiding high inflammation levels. Excess body f?t secretes hormones th?t actually add t? increased inflammation ?n th? body. Therefore, th? heavier ??? ??t, th? more ??? suffer fr?m th?? unhealthy condition. J??t eating less food w??? ultimately h??? th? effect ?f lowering th??? levels ?n m??t overweight people ?? th?? shed pounds ?f body f?t. Th? r??ht diet ?n? nutrition ??n bring th?? change t? pass.


Th?r? ?? n? need t? ??t fats completely out ?f th? diet t? reduce inflammation. C?rr??t diet ?n? nutrition m?k?? ?t ?m??rt?nt t? stay away fr?m saturated ?n? trans-fats such ?? those found ?n many fried food ?n? ?n margarines. Avoid Omega-6 fatty-acids ?n? try t? ??t more Omega-3 fatty acids such ?? those found ?n fish oil ?n? fatty fish ??k? salmon. Even extra virgin olive oil ??n b? used ?? a healthy f?t ?n a low-inflammation diet.


Proteins ?h???? b? carefully monitored t? ??t th? best diet ?n? nutrition f?r avoiding high levels ?f inflammation. Red meats ?r? particularly harmful ?n th?? respect, ?n? extra-lean protein such ?? fish ?r chicken ?? th? best. Getting high quality protein w?th low unhealthy fats ?? a key concept t? remember.


Refined sugars ?n? processed carbohydrates ?r? very ???? ?t adding t? high levels ?f inflammation. Th?t m?k?? adding more whole grains ?n? reducing processed foods ?n ?m??rt?nt target ?n diet ?n? nutrition f?r people wh? want t? reduce th??? levels. Brown rice, bulgur wheat, ?n? steel ??t oats ?r? ???? choices ?f healthy carbohydrates.

Vegetables ?n? Fruits

Fruits ?n? vegetables generally belong t? a low-inflammation category ?f foods. Th?t being ????, ??m? ?r? better th?n others. Especially ???? ?r? green onions ?n? garlic; broccoli, cauliflower ?n? Brussels sprout; ??? types ?f greens, bell peppers, cabbage ?n? spinach. Citrus fruits, apples, tropical fruits ?n? berries ??n ??? h??? th? effect ?f lowering inflammation.

Herbs ?n? Spices

Seasonings ?r? ?? ?m??rt?nt t? lowering inflammation th?t many people h??? experienced improved levels without changing anything ????. Herbs th?t h??? w?th th?? diet ?n? nutrition project include oregano, basil, rosemary, thyme ?n? mint. Spices ??k? cayenne ?r chili peppers, cloves ?n? cinnamon ??n improve levels ?? well.

Eating f?r ???? diet ?n? nutrition ???? n?t need t? mean eating b?r?n? ?r tasteless foods. B? exploring ??? th? variety ?f choices available, ??? ??n even come up w?th a more fun menu w?th more exciting foods. In th? meantime, ?f ??? eat t? lower ???r inflammation levels, ??? w??? ??k??? arrive ?t ?r maintain a healthy weight. An? changes ??? need t? m?k? t? ???r diet w??? pay ?ff ?n dividends ?f improved health ?n? a more enjoyable life.

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Gftr Wants To Stop Wasting Birthdays With Social Network Crowdsourced Gifts

gftronstageMy calendar is mostly filled with Facebook birthdays, these days, and at best those notifications will prompt me to post on someone's wall once a year. Gftr, a project from TechCrunch Disrupt NY 2013's Hackathon, wants to use those birthdays to power more meaningful gift-giving, thanks to crowdsourcing and the one day every year when people have the most goodwill directed towards them.


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DNA at 60: Still Much to Learn

On the diamond jubilee of the double helix, we should admit that we don't fully understand how evolution works at the molecular level, suggests Philip Ball


Image: Wikimedia Commons/Yikrazuul

This week's diamond jubilee of the discovery of DNA's molecular structure rightly celebrates how Francis Crick, James Watson and their collaborators launched the 'genomic age' by revealing how hereditary information is encoded in the double helix. Yet the conventional narrative ? in which their 1953 Nature paper led inexorably to the Human Genome Project and the dawn of personalized medicine ? is as misleading as the popular narrative of gene function itself, in which the DNA sequence is translated into proteins and ultimately into an organism's observable characteristics, or phenotype.

Sixty years on, the very definition of 'gene' is hotly debated. We do not know what most of our DNA does, nor how, or to what extent it governs traits. In other words, we do not fully understand how evolution works at the molecular level.

That sounds to me like an extraordinarily exciting state of affairs, comparable perhaps to the disruptive discovery in cosmology in 1998 that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating rather than decelerating, as astronomers had believed since the late 1920s. Yet, while specialists debate what the latest findings mean, the rhetoric of popular discussions of DNA, genomics and evolution remains largely unchanged, and the public continues to be fed assurances that DNA is as solipsistic a blueprint as ever.

The more complex picture now emerging raises difficult questions that this outsider knows he can barely discern. But I can tell that the usual tidy tale of how 'DNA makes RNA makes protein' is sanitized to the point of distortion. Instead of occasional, muted confessions from genomics boosters and popularizers of evolution that the story has turned out to be a little more complex, there should be a bolder admission ? indeed a celebration ? of the known unknowns.

DNA dispute
A student referring to textbook discussions of genetics and evolution could be forgiven for thinking that the 'central dogma' devised by Crick and others in the 1960s ? in which information flows in a linear, traceable fashion from DNA sequence to messenger RNA to protein, to manifest finally as phenotype ? remains the solid foundation of the genomic revolution. In fact, it is beginning to look more like a casualty of it.

Although it remains beyond serious doubt that Darwinian natural selection drives much, perhaps most, evolutionary change, it is often unclear at which phenotypic level selection operates, and particularly how it plays out at the molecular level.

Take the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project, a public research consortium launched by the US National Human Genome Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. Starting in 2003, ENCODE researchers set out to map which parts of human chromosomes are transcribed, how transcription is regulated and how the process is affected by the way the DNA is packaged in the cell nucleus. Last year, the group revealed that there is much more to genome function than is encompassed in the roughly 1% of our DNA that contains some 20,000 protein-coding genes ? challenging the old idea that much of the genome is junk. At least 80% of the genome is transcribed into RNA.

Some geneticists and evolutionary biologists say that all this extra transcription may simply be noise, irrelevant to function and evolution. But, drawing on the fact that regulatory roles have been pinned to some of the non-coding RNA transcripts discovered in pilot projects, the ENCODE team argues that at least some of this transcription could provide a reservoir of molecules with regulatory functions ? in other words, a pool of potentially 'useful' variation. ENCODE researchers even propose, to the consternation of some, that the transcript should be considered the basic unit of inheritance, with 'gene' denoting not a piece of DNA but a higher-order concept pertaining to all the transcripts that contribute to a given phenotypic trait.


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One Third (?!) of PA High School Science Teachers Believe in Creationism - And Some Teach It (Little green footballs)

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The Marketplace Fairness Act Will Support Small Businesses ...

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Republicans in Ohio last week took an important step toward broad tax reform when the state House of Representatives approved an across-the-board reduction in the personal income tax. That tax cut, however, is contingent upon Congress passing legislation that will allow Ohio and other states to have online-only retailers remit state sales tax just like any other business does. The U.S. Senate is now poised to grant states this power via the aptly named Marketplace Fairness Act. This legislation levels the economic playing field by putting small businesses on the same footing as online-only outfits. Conservatives should embrace this needed reform.

Under the current system, state governments collect sales tax from stores located in the jurisdictions if an outlet conducts an in-person sale or makes a transaction online with a state resident. When an individual makes an online purchase from a retailer outside their state, that person is supposed to report the purchase and pay the sales tax?commonly called a ?use tax??to his or her home state. As one might imagine, taxpayers rarely adhere to the requirements of use taxes.

The nationwide increase in online shopping has thus led to a sharp decline in sales tax compliance for state governments. States, which are legally forced to balance their budgets, have made up their revenue shortfalls through a mix of spending cuts, increasing marginal income tax rates and hiking other taxes or fees. The lack of a mechanism to have remote sellers collect and remit sales tax ultimately hurts small local business owners while increasing the overall tax burden on individuals and families who now pay for the higher taxes in other areas. This policy essentially amounts to a federal subsidy for online-only retailers and it threatens the creation of jobs for many local businesses.

The Marketplace Fairness Act is Congress? answer to a 1992 Supreme Court ruling that said states needed federal approval to have remote retailers remit sales tax the same way local retailers do. This legislation allows states to correct the tax imbalance and divide the burden they impose on their residents more sensibly. With the recovery of lost sales tax revenues, states will be able to reduce marginal income tax rates and other levies as they balance their budgets. Naysayers argue that this will not be done, but they are already being proven wrong.


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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bomb suspect Instagram account offers intriguing insights

Bomb suspect Instagram account was deleted recently ? unlike Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's other social media accounts. The bomb suspect also 'liked' an Instagram photo linked to Chechen terrorism.? ?

By Mark Sappenfield,?Staff writer / April 28, 2013

This photo added on April 18, 2013, to the VK page of Dias Kadyrbayev shows (from l.) Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev, from Kazakhstan, with Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in Times Square in New York. Tsarnaev used VK to stay connected to the global Chechen community.



So far the social media trail left behind by Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has offered only the barest hints that could connect him to a terrible act of terror. Indeed, his Twitter account ? which he continued using after the bombings ? is mostly notable for how ordinary it is.

Skip to next paragraph Mark Sappenfield

Staff writer

Mark is deputy national news editor for the Monitor.

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But authorities have now located an Instagram account connected to Mr. Tsarnaev that was deleted only recently, according to a CNN report.

Under the user name "jmaster1," Tsarnaev "liked" a photo of Shamil Basayev, a warlord in Chechnya who claimed to be the mastermind behind the 2002 Moscow theater hostage crisis, in which 40 terrorists and 130 civilians were killed when Russian special forces pumped an unknown chemical agent into the building.

He also "liked" another pro-Chechnya image that included a string of hashtags: #FreeChechenia #Jihad #Jannah #ALLAH #Jesus and #God.

"If I were an investigator right now, obviously the platform he deleted matters the most," said Juliette Kayyem, a CNN terrorism analyst.

On one hand, such online activity is hardly damning. "Likes" don't make a terrorist.

Yet the deleted Instagram account adds to the impression that Tsarnaev used certain corners of the Internet to carve out a more Chechen persona for himself online than he did in daily life.

His Twitter account, @J_tsar, appeared to mirror his outward life most closely, with Tsarnaev engaging in the stream of random banter that drives the microblogging site. Though he did quote from an Islamic cleric and obliquely reference the Boston bombing on his Twitter feed, most tweets talk about homework, hip-hop music, or his favorite TV shows.?

It is on the Russian social networking site VKontakte that a slightly different Tsarnaev begins to emerge. For the most part, the portrait is still benign, with Tsarnaev spending the most time discussing his favorite soccer club, Chechnya's FC Terek Grozny. He even wrote some posts in the Chechen language and included a joke: ? 'A car goes by with a Chechen, a Dagestani and an Ingush inside. Question: who is driving?' Answer: 'The police.' ?

But through VK, Tsarnaev might have gained a somewhat warped view of Chechnya ? a place he had never been, writes Slate's Mike Walker.

"Whatever Chechnya Dzhokhar came to know through VK was not wholly representative of the region. The majority of ethnic Chechen youth of Dzhokhar?s generation will probably harbor anti-Russian views and have especially negative thoughts about United Russia, Vladimir Putin?s ruling party, which has taken a hard stance against Chechen independence.... However, Chechnya is a decently stable place today: Regular airline flights come and go, soccer matches are held, new construction is undertaken."

"Part of the anti-Russian views on the part of young Chechens are probably a combination of the legacy of war and simply being young and angry," he adds. "Those who grew up outside of the region, though, may be captivated by a romanticized extremism and maybe more inclined to actually carry something out."

Given what is already known about Tsarnaev's online habits, it seems unlikely that authorities will find a smoking gun on Instagram ? Tsarnaev's older brother, Tamerlan, who is also a suspect in the bombing case, posted much more radical content than did Dzhokhar.

Moreover, the Instagram website's terms of use suggest that it might not have much old content to share with authorities. "Given the volume of real-time content on Instagram, some information may only be stored for a short period of time."

But with Dzhokhar reportedly talking to authorities less now that he has been read his rights, and with Tamerlan dead, authorities will surely look everywhere for possible clues.


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Mother's Day meal at Y2C2 (and other food/drink events): Shanghaiist

grouper.jpgMother's Day at Y2C2: Though she won't admit it, your mom doesn't really want another mother-son/daughter photo framed with popsicle sticks and beach glass for Mother's Day. What she'd really enjoy is some juicy goose liver with marbled beef, stir-fried scallops, tiger grouper, and other delicious fare at Y2C2 on May 11.
1280rmb for four, 1880rmb for six // all day // Y2C2 // Fifth Floor, 579 Waima Lu, near Xinmatou Jie, Huangpu district (??????579?5?, ?????).

Mother's Day at House of Roosevelt: What's that you say, American expats? Goose liver at Y2C2 doesn't remind you enough of home? Never fear, because on May 12, House of Roosevelt puts on a four-course dinner featuring an appetizer trio followed by Boston clam chowder, beef or halibut for the main course, and New York-style cheesecake for dessert.
468RMB (kids eat free) // 6-11pm // House of Roosevelt // 8/F, 27 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Beijing Dong Lu (?????27?8?, ?????).

Suckling pig at Paulaner Brauhaus: On May 18, Paulaner Brauhaus (expo) holds Spanferkelessen, German-style suckling pig barbecue. So get ready to ravage this crackling, fat-oozing beast along with all-you-can-eat salad, and country-style sausages. There's a nearby playground for kids too!
198RMB // 6-9:30pm // Paulaner Brauhaus (Expo) // 555 Shibo Dadao,
near Nanmatou Lu (????555?, ?????).

Head to our calendar for more.

Benjamin Cost is Shanghaiist's Food Editor. Email tips, recommendations, and news updates on Shanghai's dining scene to


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Saturday, April 27, 2013

US economy likely rebounded in first quarter

WASHINGTON (AP) ? U.S. economic growth likely accelerated from January through March from a near-stall at the end of 2012, propelled by a revival in housing, steady consumer spending and increased stockpiling by businesses.

But the faster growth isn't expected to last. Broad government spending cuts and higher taxes have begun to weigh on the economy, making some consumers and businesses cautious and slowing growth.

Economists predict that the overall economy grew at an annual rate of 3.1 percent in the January-March quarter, according to a survey by FactSet. That would be a significant improvement from the anemic 0.4 percent growth rate reported for the October-December quarter.

A 3.1 percent growth rate would match the robust pace of the July-September quarter last year. Anything stronger than 3.1 percent would be the economy's fastest quarterly growth since late 2011.

The Commerce Department will release the report at 8:30 a.m. EDT Friday.

Many economists say they think growth as measured by the gross domestic product is slowing in the April-June quarter to an annual rate of just 2 percent. Most foresee growth remaining weak before picking up in the fourth quarter.

GDP is the broadest gauge of the economy's health. It measures the total output of goods and services produced in the United States, from haircuts and hamburgers to airplanes and automobiles.

The economy began the year with a big push from the private sector. Steady job gains kept consumers spending. Residential construction rose at the fastest annual pace in nearly five years. And healthy auto sales kept factories bustling.

But now two big decisions in Washington are threatening to slow the economy's momentum.

In March, lawmakers allowed deep across-the-board spending cuts to begin taking effect. The cuts have forced government agencies to furlough workers, reduced spending on key public projects and made businesses more nervous about investing and hiring this year.

The cuts came two months after President Barack Obama and Congress allowed a Social Security tax cut to expire. That left a person earning $50,000 a year with about $1,000 less to spend this year. A household with two high-paid workers has up to $4,500 less.

Consumers' take-home pay is crucial to the economy because their spending drives roughly 70 percent of growth.

Americans appeared to shrug off the tax increase at the start of the year. They boosted spending in January and February, helped by a stronger job market. In part, that's why growth is expected to be solid in the first quarter.

But hiring slowed sharply in March. And consumers cut back their spending at retail businesses, a sign that many were starting to feel the tax increase. Economists expect spending to stay weak in the second quarter as consumers adjust to their smaller paychecks.

Ben Herzon, an economist at Macroeconomics Advisers, said the tax increases could shave roughly 1 percentage point from growth this year. He also expects the government spending cuts to reduce growth by about 0.6 percentage point.

One area where consumers are feeling some relief is at the gas pump. The national average price for a gallon of gas has fallen by 28 cents since Feb. 27, to $3.51. Analysts say prices could fall 20 cents more over the next two months.

Cheaper gas helps the economy because it makes goods less expensive to transport and gives consumers more money to spend on other things. Over the course of a year, a decline of 10 cents a gallon translates to roughly $13 billion in savings at the pump.

Herzon said cheaper gas is helping blunt some of the effect of the Social Security tax increase.

"If not for the recent decline in gas prices, the outlook for the economy would be even worse," Herzon said.

Another bright spot for the economy this year is the housing recovery. Residential construction is expected to add to growth in 2013 for a second straight year.

In March, U.S. builders started work on a seasonally adjusted annual rate of more than 1 million homes. It was the first time it had crossed that threshold in nearly five years.

Sales of newly built and previously occupied homes are up from last year. And prices are rising, a trend that makes homeowners feel wealthier and more likely to spend.

Some of the bounce in first-quarter growth is expected to come from a rebound in defense spending and restocking. Both areas were weak in the fourth quarter and had combined to shave 2.8 percentage points from growth.

But defense spending is likely to languish later this year because of the government cuts. And business stockpiling is expected to weaken again in the April-June quarter, as companies react to slower consumer spending.

Despite the decline, economists say they think consumers will help bolster growth later this year.

Brian Bethune, an economics professor at Gordon College in Massachusetts, said stock market gains and higher home prices are making Americans feel more confident in the economy. And cheaper gas should also help support consumer spending.

"I don't think the drop in gas prices will fully offset the payroll tax increase, but it will buffer it considerably," Bethune said.


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Reference: Gao R. | Health Care Articles

25 April 2013 by admin

In a new study in the April 2008 print issue of The FASEB Journal (Harvard researchers describe the development of gene probe eye drops published ? for the first time ? make it possible to monitor and detect tissue repair in the brain of living organisms using MRI. Current methods involve a risky, invasive, and relatively slow process of penetrating the skull tissue samples tissue samples and then examining these samples in a laboratory.. Reference: Gao R, Brigstock D. Connective tissue attenuates growth factor hammerhead ribozyme human hepatic stellate cells, cell function.MRI images by genes in action in the living brain of Harvard researcher PublishedBiologists have just confirmed what poets known for centuries: eyes really are windows of the soul ? or at least of the brain.

Source:.. ?When people are ill, the last thing you want to do, puncture their skulls for a biopsy,?said Gerald Weissmann, Editor ? in-Chief of The FASEB Journal, ? occasionally it is inevitable These probes of genes in action go a long way toward an age of identifying where extracting brain tissue, a disease is as crude as when doctors measured skulls to be to diagnose a mental illness ?-##. #. The FASEB Journal and is consistently among the top three biology journals worldwide by the Institute for Scientific Information ranks FASEB comprises 21 nonprofit societies with more than 80,000 members and making it the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United States FASEB advances biological science through shared advocacy for research policies that promote scientific progress and education and to improvements in human health.People does best in metastatic rectal trial version.

The recent results investigational product Bayer HealthCare is regorafenib treats from the international, multicenter, randomized, double ? blind, placebo ? Phase III controlled CORRECT trial were announced by Bayer HealthCare.

The study, conducted in North America, Australia, Japan and Chinese written 760 persons with metastatic colorectal cancer whose disorder during or within 3 months of following the last administration to the approved standard therapies, as oxaliplatinum has proceeded bevacizumab and cetuximab, irinotecan is fluropyrimidine pantiumumab pantiumumab.

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Two Beautiful, Adoptable Cats! ? Steve Caporizzo's Pet Connection

If you missed Pet Connection Today on the Sean and Richie Show, here is another chance for you to take a look at a couple of great pets up for adoption. Let?s take a look at the pets featured today. Tune in every Thursday at 7:20am to hear the stories of two incredible (and adoptable!) pets.


Infinity ? Pet Connection

Infinity is a young female cat who was found wandering around outside a veterinary office. They brought her in but she hated being in a cage so Cat Tales brought her into their foster program and now she is ready to find her forever home. Although she is a little shy at first, Infinity loves to be petted and can spend hours gazing out the window looking for birds to follow. She does well with other cats and is spayed and up-to-date with vaccinations.


Mitchell ? Pet Connection

Mitchell is approximately 2 years old and such a sweet guy. He came to Cat Tales when some kind people in his neighborhood saw that he was left behind when his owners moved but they were unable to feed him any longer. He is a loving boy who gets along with other cats but he is shy and confused because he once had a home and now finds himself without a family. His foster mom tells us he is quite the talker! Unfortunately, he hates being on display at our pet adoption clinics and covers himself up with the cage blankets so no one really gets to see his beauty. It may take him a little time to get used to his new surroundings but once he does you will find him at the foot of the bed sleeping like a baby. Mitch is neutered and up-to-date on all his vaccinations.

If you are interested in either of these great cats please contact, Cat Tales Rescue at 248-9682.


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Americans Suffer While Finance Tax Waits for Congress' Attention ...

Americans Suffer While Finance Tax Waits for Congress? Attention

Posted on Apr?24,?2013

By Thomas Hedges, Center for Study of Responsive Law

More than a thousand people gathered in Washington, D.C.?s Farragut Square on Saturday to demand that a financial transaction tax be placed on derivatives and other forms of speculation. The proposed tax on financial transactions, detailed in a bill Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., introduced to Congress a week ago, would generate more than $300 billion a year in revenue, thereby doing away with the need for the sequester currently forcing across-the-board budget cuts.

The Financial Transaction Tax, or Robin Hood Tax, has a broad base of support. Nurses, environmentalists, union workers, and people living with HIV/AIDS, for example, spoke at the rally on behalf of Americans who have been exploited at the expense of profit on Wall Street. The tax resonates with many Americans because of its simplicity and concrete purpose?it takes a modest percentage of profits from a multitrillion dollar market on Wall Street and uses that revenue to rebuild the crumbling infrastructure that allowed financial corporations to generate their wealth in the first place.

Transaction taxes aren?t new. The United States had one from 1914 to 1966. In 1932, it was more than doubled to 0.05 percent to help recovery after the Great Depression. Today, more than 40 countries have a transaction tax, with 11 in the European Union, including Germany and France.

After 1966, the tax was eliminated and replaced with a modest Financial Speculation Tax that now finances the Securities and Exchange Commission as well as the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, two agencies Wall Street emaciated in the following decades.

The transaction tax is also meant to rein in speculative trading and help prevent financial bubbles that in the last 15 years have become a chronic problem.

?It?s actually a good, old-fashioned economic solution,?? Jared Bernstein, former chief economist and economic adviser to Vice President Joe Biden, wrote in support of the tax. ?Internalize the negative externalities of bad risk pricing and volatility but making it more expensive to lurch. ... It would also raise some much needed revenue which, if I?m right, we?re going to need the next time the herd runs off the cliff ... together.?

Sixty percent of Americans support a transaction tax, including such people as Warren Buffett, Eliot Spitzer, Larry Summers and the members of The Boston Globe editorial board.

?As Obama and other policymakers contemplate far-reaching changes to entitlements such as Medicare and Social Security,? The Boston Globe editorialized in 2011, ?a financial transaction tax?which would simultaneously raise money and deter another crisis?has to be part of the discussion.?

Although we do not yet have a financial transaction tax, President Obama is moving forward with cuts to social programs, public services, Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security.

At the rally Saturday, speakers said that cuts to any sector of the economy were an assault on the general public.

?We?re losing transit as a result of what?s happened to our economy, as a result of the fact that our government has seen fit to bail out banks but not people,? Amalgamated Transit Union President Larry Hanley explained to the crowd of protesters wearing Robin Hood hats. ?Let me tell you, there?s something perverse in a nation that sees fit to slash transit services to people who need it, at a time when people are losing their jobs and have fewer cars.

?When I was growing up,? he continued, ?when I was in school, they talked about citizenship because we were citizens. But somewhere along the line they turned us into consumers and then taxpayers, as if the only role we serve in life is to be angry taxpayers, angry at everybody else who is struggling in this country.?

A growing private sector and shrinking public one does not bode well for people who have little economic value. Those who depend on food stamps, affordable housing, Medicaid, Medicare and other forms of government assistance are the first to feel that shift?s pinch.

In the most recent study on poverty-related deaths, researchers at Columbia University?s Mailman School of Public Health found that 875,000 people died in the U.S. as a result of social factors such as poverty and income inequality in 2000, when income disparity was much smaller than it is today.

?People living with HIV and AIDS depend on medication to live,? activist Jose Demarco told the demonstrators, speaking on behalf of the sick who cannot afford patented drugs. ?Our fate is miserable, slow, painful deaths. This year the budget did not include money for AIDS drugs. What are we supposed to do? Die.?

This article was made possible by the Center for Study of Responsive Law.

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Is Facebook Targeting Links From TheBlaze as Spam? | TheBlaze ...

It has come to the attention of TheBlaze that some readers or sharers of our stories on Facebook have been experiencing problems.

In several cases, trying to access the link to TheBlaze?s story about Michelle Obama allegedly visiting the Saudi National in the hospital after the Boston bombings gave Facebook users warnings that the site could be spam.

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In other cases, posting links ? any links ? from TheBlaze on Facebook resulted in a pop-up requiring a CAPTCHA code be filled out.

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After filling out the code, the link would post just fine. Links from other media outlets though did not require a CAPTCHA code though.

Searching public posts on Facebook about TheBlaze revealed many were talking about potential problems and even calling it censorship:

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Facebook System Temporarily Marks TheBlaze Links as Spam

TheBlaze contacted Facebook for comment on what might be causing this issue and learned from a Facebook Policy Communications?spokesperson that posts from TheBlaze ?were triggering a false positive on our spam systems,? which were recently re-calibrated.

The spokesperson said links from TheBlaze on Facebook should be working fine now.

Were Facebook users being unfair for jumping to censorship conclusions? TheBlaze has reported cases in the past where conservative bloggers have claimed Facebook unfairly shut down their accounts or penalized them for posts. Several pages for gun stores were recently shut down for violating Facebook?s policies as well. Conservatives have even launched their own social network as an alternative to Facebook.

But according to Facebook, in the case of TheBlaze?s links they have an explanation.




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Mac Miller Borrows Eminem's Superman Cape For 'S.D.S' Video

Rapper also took influence from Missy Elliott and Busta Rhymes for the extravagant clip.
By Rob Markman

Mac Miller in his video for "S.D.S."
Photo: Rostrum


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Thursday, April 25, 2013

UK in dark mood as new recession may be confirmed

LONDON (AP) ? Recession may just be a word. But in Britain it may become a habit ? and a dangerous one at that.

It's possible that official figures on first quarter economic growth, to be released Thursday, could put the country back in recession, and tension is building.

Although economists on average expect growth of 0.1 percent on the quarter, they warn it would take the smallest statistical variation to put the figure in negative territory. That would place the country in recession, technically defined as two consecutive quarters of economic contraction.

Another recession ? the third since the 2008 financial crisis ? is already being referred to with foreboding in the media as a "Triple Dip." Experts warn that its confirmation would create a wave of negative media attention that would scare consumers away from spending, feeding into a vicious cycle that has the economy flat-lining.

"It's psychological ? this is all psychological," said Cary Cooper, a professor at Lancaster University Management School. "It's about the message that those figures send to consumers and small businesses."

The government desperately wants a strong number to justify its increasingly criticized policy of painful spending cuts. But recent indicators on Britain's economy, the third-largest in the 27-country EU after Germany and France, have been disappointing.

Inflation is rising, cutting into people's standard of living. Unemployment is up. Two international ratings agencies have downgraded the country's credit grade from the top level AAA, warning about the government's fiscal policies.

The government, which has long played on its AAA rating as a sign of its economic might, has been pursuing a harsh program of spending cuts and tax increases to reduce the budget deficit, which at 7.4 percent of annual economic output is more than twice the EU's 3 percent limit. Like many governments across Europe that have been scarred by the bond market turmoil that forced Greece and four other countries to need rescue loans, Britain is focusing on reducing debt quickly, even at the cost of short-term economic pain.

What some governments and economists are slowly realizing, however, is that they may have underestimated the damage such austerity would do.

There's long been pressure domestically in Britain to ease off the budget cuts, but in the past few days the International Monetary Fund also chimed in. The fund, whose views carry weight as it is involved in all of Europe's sovereign bailout programs, has pressured Treasury chief George Osborne to slow down the austerity measures in hopes of reviving the economy, whose output last year was worth 1.4 trillion pounds ($2.1 trillion at current exchange rates).

As the debate rages on, no other person than the national spiritual leader ? the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby ? has waded in and used a word no want wants to hear: Depression.

Welby has unusual standing in the world of money because in a previous life he served as an oil industry executive and now sits on the parliamentary banking standards committee. He told an audience at the heart of government in Westminster on Monday that there was an issue of confidence and trust ? and there is need to rebuild both.

"I would argue that what we are in at the moment is not a recession, but essentially some kind of depression and it therefore takes something very, very major to get out of it in the same way as it took something major for us to get into it," he said.

The Bank of England has cut interest rates to record lows and pumped money into the financial system in the hope that will encourage banks to lend money more cheaply. But the results have been mixed and experts say there is only so much a central bank can do to create jobs.

On Wednesday, the Bank of England and the Treasury extended until January 2015 a program to boost lending and help the economy. The program offers funding at low interest rates to banks on condition that those rates are passed on to small businesses and households. Its results so far have been mixed, however.

Even if the economy dodges recession, the daily reality for many Britons remains tough.

The Trussell Trust, a food bank network, said it fed more than 350,000 people in the year ending in March ? more than double the 128,000 served in the previous 12-month period. Tim Boyce, a retired investment banker who runs a south London branch, said he's seeing the people behind those numbers. Inside a frosty church that's opened its doors to the desperate, he watches as they come for emergency handouts of rice, pasta and beans.

"Most people don't realize the extent of poverty," he said as he sipped coffee to keep the edge off the chill. "It's hiding in plain view."

Take the cases of Kevin Bishenden, 50, and his wife, Nicola, 40. He's an upholsterer who says that no one wants to hire someone his age. She says she just can't find work. The only reason they aren't homeless is that Britain's welfare state manages to keep a roof over their heads.

But they've slowly been shedding all their possessions, together with memories of a past life. First a bike, then stuff from the kitchen. All the DVDs are going, though even Star Trek only gets you a few pennies. They've already sold their wedding rings.

He lamented a new council tax payment of 15 pounds ($22.80) that came into effect as part of government austerity plans. His exhaustion was plain as he tried to imagine paying for it.

"Where's that supposed to come from?"


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Nasal lining used to breach blood/brain barrier

Apr. 24, 2013 ? Neurodegenerative and central nervous system (CNS) diseases represent a major public health issue affecting at least 20 million children and adults in the United States alone. Multiple drugs exist to treat and potentially cure these debilitating diseases, but 98 percent of all potential pharmaceutical agents are prevented from reaching the CNS directly due to the blood-brain barrier.

Using mucosa, or the lining of the nose, researchers in the department of Otology and Laryngology at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School and the Biomedical Engineering Department of Boston University have demonstrated what may be the first known method to permanently bypass the blood-brain barrier, thus opening the door to new treatment options for those with neurodegenerative and CNS disease. Their study is published on PLOS ONE.

Many attempts have been made to deliver drugs across the blood-brain barrier using methods such as osmotic disruption and implantation of catheters into the brain, however these methods are temporary and prone to infection and dislodgement.

"As an endoscopic skull base surgeon, I and many other researchers have helped to develop methods to reconstruct large defects between the nose and brain using the patient's own mucosa or nasal lining," said Benjamin S. Bleier, M.D., Otolaryngologist at Mass. Eye and Ear and HMS Assistant Professor.

Study co-author Xue Han, Ph.D., an assistant professor of Biomedical Engineering at Boston University, said, "The development of this model enables us to perform critical preclinical testing of novel therapies for neurological and psychiatric diseases."

Inspired by recent advances in human endoscopic transnasal skull based surgical techniques, the investigators went to work to develop an animal model of this technique and use it to evaluate transmucosal permeability for the purpose of direct drug delivery to the brain.

In this study using a mouse model, researchers describe a novel method of creating a semi-permeable window in the blood-brain barrier using purely autologous tissues to allow for higher molecular weight drug delivery to the CNS. They demonstrated for the first time that these membranes are capable of delivering molecules to the brain which are up to 1,000-times larger than those excluded by the blood-brain barrier.

"Since this is a proven surgical technique which is known to be safe and well tolerated, this data suggests that these membranes may represent the first known method to permanently bypass the blood-brain barrier using the patient's own tissue," Dr. Bleier said. "This method may open the door for the development of a variety of new therapies for neurodegenerative and CNS disease.

Future studies will be directed towards developing clinical trials to test this method in patients who have already undergone these endoscopic surgeries."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Benjamin S. Bleier, Richie E. Kohman, Rachel E. Feldman, Shreshtha Ramanlal, Xue Han. Permeabilization of the Blood-Brain Barrier via Mucosal Engrafting: Implications for Drug Delivery to the Brain. PLoS ONE, 2013; 8 (4): e61694 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061694

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Lobbyist for wind power apologizes to Vt. panel

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) -- A lobbyist for an industry group supporting wind power apologized to a Vermont Senate committee on Wednesday after a witness she brought in called health concerns connected with wind power "hoo-hah," nonsense and propaganda.

Gabrielle Stebbins, executive director of Renewable Energy Vermont, called the remarks of acoustics expert Geoff Levanthall unhelpful and offered an apology to the Senate Health and Welfare Committee after Leventhall testified at the hearing by phone from England.

"There's no scientific evidence behind what they (critics of wind power) say," Leventhall said. "It's all made-up, make-believe, trying to find something to object to, and trying to find something that will be difficult to disprove. It's a technique, a propaganda technique, and they've been very, very effective."

Afterward, Stebbins said she regretted Leventhall's comments. "I don't think that's helpful for the debate and, for the record, I do apologize for that."

Stebbins' comments came at the end of the hearing in which two Vermont doctors ? one of them critical of a wind power project near his home in Ira and of the industry generally ? testified about what they said were ill health effects connected with wind power among people living near the turbines.

Leventhall did describe for the committee low-frequency, inaudible "infrasound," that some blame on problems connected with wind turbines but that he said have less of an impact on people than sounds generated within the body, like the heartbeat.

The committee also heard from Luann Therrien, a Sheffield resident who said she and her husband have suffered severe sleep loss leading to depression since 16 turbines operated by First Wind began operating within about two miles of their home, with the closest being about a half mile away.

"We did not oppose the project, not until it was up and running and creating noise," Therrien said. "I have constant ringing in my ears that can be very distracting. My husband has been feeling so bad that he is currently unable to work. His doctor has pulled him from his job."

Discussion centered on sleep loss due to audible sounds from the turbines and on infrasound, the low-frequency noise inaudible to human ears but which some doctors have linked to ill health effects ? sometimes called wind turbine syndrome.

Dr. Sandy Reider, a primary care provider practicing in Lyndonville, told the committee he had seen "a half dozen or so patients who are suffering from living in proximity to these turbines." He told of one particularly tough case of a 33-year-old, healthy man who developed problems after a wind turbine began operation on Burke Mountain near his home.

The man "began to experience increasingly severe insomnia, waking multiple times at night with severe anxiety and heart palpitations, and experiencing during the daytime pressure headaches, nausea, ringing in his ears and difficulty concentrating," Reider said.


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Mammal and bug food co-op in the High Arctic

Apr. 24, 2013 ? Who would have thought that two very different species, a small insect and a furry alpine mammal, would develop a shared food arrangement in the far North?

University of Alberta researchers were certainly surprised when they discovered the unusual response of pikas to patches of vegetation that had previously been grazed on by caterpillars from a species normally found in the high Arctic.

U of A biology researcher Isabel C. Barrio analyzed how two herbivores, caterpillars and pikas, competed for scarce vegetation in alpine areas of the southwest Yukon. The caterpillars come out of their winter cocoons and start consuming vegetation soon after the snow melts in June. Weeks later, the pika starts gathering and storing food in its winter den. For the experiment, Barrio altered the numbers of caterpillars grazing on small plots of land surrounding pika dens.

"What we found was that the pikas preferred the patches first grazed on by caterpillars," said Barrio. "We think the caterpillar's waste acted as a natural fertilizer, making the vegetation richer and more attractive to the pika."

U of A biology professor David Hik, who supervised the research, says the results are the opposite of what the team expected to find.

"Normally you'd expect that increased grazing by the caterpillars would have a negative effect on the pika," said Hik. "But the very territorial little pika actually preferred the vegetation first consumed by the caterpillars."

The researchers say it's highly unusual that two distant herbivore species -- an insect in its larval stage and a mammal -- react positively to one another when it comes to the all-consuming survival issue of finding food.

These caterpillars stay in their crawling larval stage for up to 14 years, sheltering in a cocoon during the long winters before finally becoming Arctic woolly bear moths for the final 24 hours of their lives.

The pika does not hibernate and gathers a food supply in its den. Its food-gathering territory surrounds the den and covers an area of around 700 square metres.

The researchers say they'll continue their work on the caterpillar-pika relationship to explore the long-term implications for increased insect populations and competition for scarce food resources in northern mountain environments.

Barrio was the lead author on the collaborative research project, which was published April 24 in the journal Biology Letters.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Alberta, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS. The original article was written by Brian Murphy.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. I. C. Barrio, D. S. Hik, K. Peck, C. G. Bueno. After the frass: foraging pikas select patches previously grazed by caterpillars. Biology Letters, 2013; 9 (3): 20130090 DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2013.0090

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Amgen 1Q profit rises 21 percent on drug sales

(AP) ? Biotech giant Amgen Inc. says its first-quarter profit rose 21 percent on higher sales of drugs to treat arthritis and osteoporosis.

The company on Tuesday reported net income of $1.43 billion, or $1.88 per share, from $1.18 billion, or $1.48 per share, in the prior-year period. Adjusted earnings were $1.96 per share.

Revenue rose 5 percent, to $4.24 billion.

Analysts polled by FactSet expect earnings per share of $1.84 on sales of $4.37 billion.

Sales of the Thousand Oaks, Calif., company's biotech drugs were driven by growth of Enbrel for psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis and Prolia for osteoporosis.

Sales of anemia drugs Aranesp and Epogen continued their long slide due to limits on dosing and reimbursement because of safety concerns.

Shares are off 4.7 percent to $107.42 in after-hours trading.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

PFT: Jags unveil uniforms? |? Vikes, Phins leaked

RadioCityGetty Images

There will be ?enhanced? security guidelines for the NFL Draft at Radio City Music Hall in New York, the league said Tuesday.

According to the NFL, those entering Radio City Music Hall for the draft must consent to searches by security personnel, with pat-downs and metal detectors among the measures that can be employed.?What?s more, all items brought into the building will be inspected, the league said.

The draft begins Thursday and runs through Saturday in New York.

The league, along with Radio City Music Hall and New York City police, are recommending those attending the draft to limit the number of objects brought into the building.?No containers will be allowed inside, with backpacks among the excluded items.?The NFL?s statement on the security measures has a list of banned items.

?Fans are urged to bring nothing larger than a very small purse,? the league said.

The league noted it already had security procedures in place before these additions.

?The NFL and its clubs have operated with a very high level of security since 9/11 for all of our games and events,? said Jeffrey Miller, NFL vice president and chief security officer in the league-issued statement. ?With the help of the FBI, New York Police Department, Radio City and our private security partners, we will enhance our already comprehensive plans for the safety of our fans and other attendees.?

A noticeable security presence at major sporting events doesn?t figure to go away anytime soon, and the NFL?s enhancements make sense, considering recent events.


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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hosting U.S. defense chief, Israel hints at patience on Iran

By David Alexander and Dan Williams

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israel suggested on Monday it would be patient before taking any military action against Iran's nuclear program, saying during a visit by U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel there was still time for other options.

With Iran's presidential election approaching in June there has been a pause in hawkish rhetoric by Israel, which has long hinted at possible air strikes to deny its arch-foe any means to make an atomic bomb, while efforts by six world powers to find a negotiated solution with Tehran have proved fruitless so far.

"We believe that the military option, which is well discussed, should be the last resort," Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon told reporters at a news conference with Hagel.

"And there are other tools to be used and to be exhausted," Yaalon said, listing diplomacy, economic sanctions and "moral support" for domestic opponents of Iran's hardline Islamist leadership.

Iran has denied seeking nuclear weapons capability, saying it is enriching uranium only for domestic energy purposes while calling for the elimination of the Jewish state. Israel is widely believed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal.

U.S. President Barack Obama has in the past clashed with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over how urgent the need may be to consider military action against Iran. Washington has suggested more time should be given for concerted diplomacy combined with sanctions pressure to produce a peaceful solution.

But with Obama recently installed in his second term, and Netanyahu in his third, the allies have publicly closed ranks. The United States projects more defense aid for Israel after the current disbursements of some $3 billion a year expire in 2017. And Hagel unveiled the planned sale to Israel of missiles, warplane radars, troop transport planes and refueling jets.

"These decisions underscore that the military-to-military cooperation between the U.S. and Israel is stronger than ever, and that defense cooperation will only continue to deepen in the future," Hagel said.

By contrast, the Bush administration in 2008 declined to provide Israel with refueling tankers and missiles that might be used in a strike on Iran.


Before taking the helm at the Pentagon, Hagel had stirred ire among pro-Israel Americans for remarks including skepticism about the feasibility and desirability of such military action.

But in Israel, the second foreign country he has visited as defense secretary after Afghanistan, Hagel hewed to Obama's line. "All military options and every option must remain on the table in dealing with Iran," he said.

"I support the president's position on Iran. And it's very simple and I have stated it here ... Our position is Iran will not be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon - the prevention of Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Period."

Iranian media reported on Monday that Iran and officials from the United Nations nuclear watchdog would hold a new round of talks on May 21 in Vienna. The International Atomic Energy Agency wants inspectors to restart a long-stalled investigation in Iran's suspected atomic bomb research.

From Israel, Hagel travels to Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The latter two Gulf Arab countries, which are also wary of Iran's nuclear ambitions, stand to win a major U.S. arms sale.

After lengthy disagreement, Israeli and U.S. estimates of when Iran might be able to produce a first nuclear weapon now largely dovetail to a time frame of about a year.

Hagel also said that non-military pressure on Iran has yet to be exhausted. "The sanctions on Iran are as potent and deep and wide a set of international sanctions that we have ever seen on any country. And those will continue to increase," he said.

"Whether it leads to an outcome that we desire remains to be seen ... and as I said, the military option is always an option."

After the news conference, Hagel boarded an Israeli military helicopter for an aerial tour of the Golan Heights frontier - Israeli-occupied territory on the edge of Syria's civil war.

(Writing by Dan Williams; Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Mark Heinrich)


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