Saturday, March 31, 2012

Justices meet Friday to vote on health care case

WASHINGTON (AP) ? While the rest of us have to wait until June, the justices of the Supreme Court will know the likely outcome of the historic health care case by the time they go home this weekend.

After months of anticipation, thousands of pages of briefs and more than six hours of arguments, the justices will vote on the fate of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul in under an hour Friday morning. They will meet in a wood-paneled conference room on the court's main floor. No one else will be present.

In the weeks after this meeting, individual votes can change. Even who wins can change, as the justices read each other's draft opinions and dissents.

But Friday's vote, which each justice probably will record and many will keep for posterity, will be followed soon after by the assignment of a single justice to write a majority opinion, or in a case this complex, perhaps two or more justices to tackle different issues. That's where the hard work begins, with the clock ticking toward the end of the court's work in early summer.

The late William Rehnquist, who was chief justice for nearly 19 years, has written that the court's conference "is not a bull session in which off-the-cuff reactions are traded." Instead, he said, votes are cast, one by one in order of seniority.

The Friday conference also is not a debate, says Brian Fitzpatrick, a Vanderbilt University law professor who worked for Justice Antonin Scalia 10 years ago. There will be plenty of time for the back-and-forth in dueling opinions that could follow.

"There's not a whole lot of give and take at the conference. They say, 'This is how I'm going to vote' and give a few sentences," Fitzpatrick said.

It will be the first time the justices gather as a group to discuss the case. Even they do not always know in advance what the others are thinking when they enter the conference room adjacent to Chief Justice John Roberts' office.

By custom, they shake hands. Then Roberts will take his seat at the head of a rectangular table. Scalia, the longest serving among them, will be at the other end. The other seven justices also sit according to seniority, the four most junior on one side across from the other three.

"They generally find out how the votes line up at the conference," said Orin Kerr, a George Washington University law professor who worked for Justice Anthony Kennedy nine years ago.

The uncertainty may be especially pronounced in this case, where the views of Roberts and Kennedy are likely to decide the outcome, Kerr said in an interview Thursday. "I don't think anyone knows. I'm not sure Justice Kennedy knows."

No one's vote counts more than the others', but because they speak in order of seniority, it will become clear fairly quickly what will become of the health care overhaul.

That's because Roberts speaks first, followed by Scalia, then Kennedy. If the three men hold a common view, the Obama health care overhaul probably is history. If they don't, it probably survives.

If Roberts is in the majority, he will assign the main opinion, and in a case of this importance, he may well write it himself, several former law clerks said. If Roberts is a dissenter, the senior justice in the majority assigns the opinion.

The court won't issue its ruling in a case until drafts of majority opinions and any dissents have circulated among the justices, changes have been suggested and either accepted or rejected.

"These justices aren't locked in. Minds have changed during the drafting process and minds have changed after opinions have been circulated," said Rick Garnett, associate dean and professor of law at Notre Dame Law School who worked for Rehnquist 15 years ago.

In one celebrated case decided in 1992, Rehnquist initially assigned Kennedy to write a majority opinion for five justices allowing prayers at public school graduations. In the end, Kennedy ended up writing the opinion for a different five-justice majority striking down the graduation prayers. According to several accounts, Kennedy simply changed his mind during the writing process.

No one will know precisely when decisions on particular cases will be coming, until perhaps Roberts ends a court session in late June by announcing the next meeting will be the last until October. Then it's a safe bet that whatever hasn't been decided will be on the last day. And decisions in the biggest cases very often aren't announced until that last day of the term.

Supreme Court opinions rarely find their way to the public before they are read in the marble courtroom, although the court inadvertently posted opinions and orders on its website about a half hour too soon in December.

The last apparent security breach occurred more than 30 years ago when Tim O'Brien, then a reporter for ABC News, informed viewers that the court planned to issue a particular opinion the following day. Chief Justice Warren Burger accused an employee in the printing shop of tipping O'Brien and had the employee transferred to a different job.

Sometimes, though, the justices themselves manage to let people know something big is coming.

On May 17, 1954, the attorney general, secretary of state and Nina Warren, wife of the chief justice, were in the courtroom when Earl Warren read the historic, unanimous opinion in Brown v. Board of Education outlawing school segregation.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Painkiller-dealing 'Candy Man' doctor sentenced

By staff and news services


Photo provided by the Jennings Police Department Mug shows Anna Brown.

RICHMOND HEIGHTS, Mo. ? Officials at a St. Louis hospital on Thursday defended their actions in the case of a homeless woman who sought treatment for a sprained ankle and died in police custody after being arrested for refusing to leave the emergency room.

An autopsy determined that Anna Brown's death in a jail cell in September was caused by blood clots that formed in her legs and migrated to her lungs, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The newspaper also obtained surveillance footage of the woman's final moments. In the video, officers are seen carrying Brown into a jail cell. The cell door closes and Brown is heard moaning and crying.

Brown's family says authorities treated the 29-year-old mother of two unfairly and have hired a St. Louis-based lawyer, Keith Link. Link did not respond to telephone messages from on Thursday.

St. Mary's Health Center says its staff followed medical guidelines and performed appropriate tests, acknowledging the ?outrage being expressed in this tragic event.?

?Unfortunately, even with appropriate testing using sophisticated technology, blood clots can still be undetected in a small number of cases,? according to a statement released by St. Mary's Health Center on Thursday. ?The sad reality is that emergency departments across the country are often a place of last resort for many people in our society who suffer from complex social problems that become medical issues when they are not addressed. It is unfortunate that it takes a tragic event like this to call attention to a crisis in our midst.?

Police have said officers had no way of knowing Brown's dire condition.

Brown went to three hospitals complaining of leg pain in the days leading up to her death, including her visit to St. Mary's that led to her arrest for trespassing. She was wheeled out in handcuffs after a doctor said she was healthy enough to be locked up.

Brown had been struggling after a series of devastating setbacks, family say.

'Starting to? make progress'
A New Year's Eve tornado in 2010 destroyed Brown's home in north St. Louis home, the Post-Dispatch reported. She and her two children moved to Berkeley, a St. Louis suburb, and she lost her job at a sandwich shop soon afterward, the Post-Dispatch said.

According to the Post-Dispatch, her utilities were shut off because she stopped paying her bills, and after a child welfare agent who visited the home in April found a feces-filled toilet, burn marks on the floor where she had lit fires to keep warm and other distressing signs, Brown was arrested for parental neglect. Police reported at the time that she seemed confused, the newspaper reported.

Her mother, Dorothy Davis, received custody of Brown's children on the condition that Brown couldn't also live with them, and Brown's home was condemned, the newspaper reported. She lived in four homeless shelters from May until September, according to the Post-Dispatch.

Brown joined the St. Louis Empowerment Center, a drop-in center for the mentally ill, the newspaper reported.

"She was just starting to make progress," Kevin Dean, a peer specialist at the center, told the Post-Dispatch.

Dean and another staff member at the drop-in center recalled hearing Anna Brown say she hurt her ankle.

Davis, who said Brown called every day to check on her children, said she wants answers about her?daughter's death.

"If the police killed my daughter, I want to know. If the hospital is at fault, I want to know," Davis told the Post-Dispatch. "I want to be able to tell her children why their mother isn't here."

This article includes reporting by The Associated Press.

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Reading "White Coat, Black Hat" and discovering that ethicists might be black hats.

During one of my trips this spring, I had the opportunity to read Carl Elliott?s book White Coat, Black Hat: Adventures on the Dark Side of Medicine. It is not always the case that reading I do for my job also works as riveting reading for air travel, but this book holds its own against any of the appealing options at the airport bookstore. (I actually pounded through the entire thing before cracking open the other book I had with me, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet?s Nest, in case you were wondering.)

Elliott takes up a number of topics of importance in our current understanding of biomedical research and how to do it ethically. He considers the role of human subjects for hire, of ghostwriters in the production of medical papers, of physicians who act as consultants and spokespeople for pharmaceutical companies, and of salespeople for the pharmaceutical companies who interact with scientists and physicians. There are lots of important issues here, engagingly presented and followed to some provocative conclusions. But the chapter of the book that gave me the most to think about, perhaps not surprisingly, is the chapter called ?The Ethicists?.

You might think, since Elliott is writing a book that points out lots of ways that biomedical research could be more ethical, that he would present a picture where ethicists rush in and solve the problems created by unwitting research scientists, well-meaning physicians, and profit driven pharmaceutical company. However, Elliott presents instead reasons to worry that professional ethicists will contribute to the ethical tangles of the biomedical world rather than sorting them out. Indeed Elliott identifies what seem to be special vulnerabilities in the psyche of the professional ethicist. For example, he writes, ?There is no better way to enlist bioethicists in the cause of consumer capitalism than to convince them they are working for social justice.? (139-140) Who, after all, could be against social justice? Yet, when efforts on behalf of social justice takes the form of debates on television news programs about fair access to new pharmaceuticals, the big result seems to be free advertising for the companies making those pharmaceuticals. Should bioethicists be accountable for these unforeseen results? This chapter suggests that careful bioethicists ought to foresee them, and to take responsibility.

There is an irony in professionals who see part of their job as pointing out conflicts of interest to others that they may be placing themselves right in the path of equally overwhelming conflicts of interest. Some of these have to do with the practical problem of how to fund their professional work. Universities these days are struggling with reduced budgets, which means they are encouraging their faculty to be more entrepreneurial ? including by cultivating relationships that might lead to donations from the private sector. To the extent that bioethics is seen as relevant to pharmaceutical development, pharmaceutical companies, which have deeper pockets than do universities, are seen as attractive targets for fundraising.

As Elliott notes, bioethicists have seen a great deal of success in this endeavor. He writes,

For the last three decades bioethics has been vigorously generating new centers, new commissions, new journals, and new graduate programs, not to mention a highly politicized role in American public life. In the same way that sociologists saw their fortunes climb during the 1960s as the public eye turned towards social issues like poverty, crime, and education, bioethics started to ascend when medical care and scientific research began generating social questions of their own. As the field grows more prominent, bioethicists are considering a funding model familiar to the realm of business ethics, one that embraces partnership and collaboration with corporate sponsors as long as outright conflict of interest can be managed. ?

Corporate funding present a public relations challenge, of course. It looks unseemly for an ethicist to share in the profits of arms dealers, industrial polluters, or multinationals that exploit the developing world. Credibility is also a concern. Bioethicist teach about pharmaceutical company issues in university classrooms, write about those issues in books and articles, and comment on them in the press. Many bioethicists evaluate industry policies and practices for professional boards, government bodies, and research ethics committees. To critics, this raises legitimate questions about the field of bioethics itself. Where does the authority of ethicists come from, and why are corporations so willing to fund them? (140-141)

That comparison of bioethics to business, by the way, is the kind of thing that gets my attention; one of the spaces frequently assigned for ?Business and Professional Ethics? courses at my university is the Arthur Anderson Conference Room. Perhaps this is a permanent teachable moment, but I can?t help worry that really the lesson has to do with the vulnerability of the idealistic academic partner in the academic-corporate partnership.

Where does the authority of ethicist come from? I have scrawled in the margin something about appropriate academic credentials and good arguments. But connect this first question to Elliott?s second question: why are corporations so willing to fund them? Here, we need to consider the possibility that their credibility and professional status is, in a pragmatic sense, directly linked to corporations paying bioethicists for their labors. What, exactly, are those corporations paying for?

Let?s put that last question aside for a moment.

Arguably, the ethicist has some skills and training that render her a potentially useful partner for people trying to work out how to be ethical in the world. One hopes what she says would be informed by some amount of ethical education, serious scholarship, and decision-making strategies grounded in a real academic discipline.

Elliott notes that ?[s]ome scholars have recoiled, emphatically rejecting the notion that their voices should count more than others? on ethical affairs.? (142) Here, I agree if the claim is, in essence, that the interests of the bioethicists are no more important than others?. Surely the perspectives of others who are not ethicists matter, but one might reasonably expect that ethicists can add value, drawing on their experience in taking those interests, and the interest of other stakeholders, into account to make reasonable ethical decisions.

Maybe, though, those of us who do ethics for a living just tell ourselves we are engaged in a more or less objective decision-making process. Maybe the job we are doing is less like accounting and more like interpreting pictures in inkblots. As Elliott writes,

But ethical analysis does not really resemble a financial audit. If a company is cooking its books and the accountant closes his eyes to this fact in his audit, the accountant?s wrongdoing can be reliably detected and verified by outside monitors. It is not so easy with an ethics consultant. Ethicists have widely divergent views. They come from different religious standpoints, use different theoretical frameworks, and profess different political philosophies. Also free to change their minds at any point. How do you tell the difference between an office consultant who has changed her mind for legitimate reasons and one who has changed her mind for money? (144)

This impression of the fundamental squishiness of the ethicist?s stock in trade seems to be reinforced in a quote Elliott takes from biologist-entrepreneur Michael West: ?In the field of ethics, there are no ground rules, so it?s just one ethicist opinion versus another ethicist?s opinion. You?re not getting whether someone is right or wrong, because it all depends on who you pick.? (144-145)

Here, it will probably not surprise you to learn that I think these claims are only true when the ethicists are doing it wrong.

What, then, would be involved in doing it right? To start with, what one should ask from an ethicist should be more than just an opinion. One should also ask for an argument to support that opinion, an argument that makes reference to important details like interested parties, potential consequences of the various options for action on the table, the obligations the party making the decisions to the stakeholders, and so forth ? not to mention consideration of possible objections to this argument. It is fair, moreover, to ask the ethicist whether the recommended plan of action it is compatible with more than one ethical theory ? or, for example, if it only works in the world we are sharing solely with other Kantians.

This would not make auditing the ethical books as easy as auditing the financial statements, but I think it would demonstrate something like rigor and lend itself to meaningful inspection by others. Along the same lines, I think it would be completely reasonable, in the case that an ethicist has gone on record as changing her mind, to ask for the argument that brought her from one position to the other. It would also be fair to ask, what argument or evidence might bring you back again?

Of course, all of this assumes an ethicist arguing in good faith. It?s not clear that what I?ve described as crucial features of sound ethical reasoning couldn?t be mimicked by someone who wanted to appear to be a good ethicist without going to the trouble of actually being one.

And if there?s someone offering you money ? maybe a lot of money ? for something that looks like good ethical reasoning, is there a chance you could turn from an ethicist arguing in good faith to one who just looks like she is, perhaps without even being aware of it herself?

Elliott pushes us to examine whether the dangers that may lurk when the private-sector interests are willing to put up money for your ethical insight. Have they made a point of asking for your take primarily because your paper-trail of prior ethical argumentation lines us really well with what they would like an ethicist to say to give them cover to do what they already want to do ? not because it?s ethical, necessarily, but because it?s profitable or otherwise convenient? You may think your ethical stances are stable because they are well-reasoned (or maybe even right). But how can you be sure that the stability of your stance is not influenced by the size of your consultation paycheck? How can you tell that you have actually been solicited for an honest ethical assessment ? one that, potentially, could be at odds with what the corporation soliciting it wants to hear? If you tell that corporation that a certain course of action would be unethical, do you have any power to prevent them from pursuing that course of action? Do you have an incentive to tell the corporation what it wants to hear, not just to pick up your consulting fee, but to keep a seat at the table where you might hope to have a chance of nudging its behavior in a more ethical direction, even if only incrementally?

None of these are easy questions to answer objectively if you?re the ethicist in the scenario.

Indeed, even if money were not part of the equation, the very fact that people at the corporations ? or researchers, or physicians, or whoever it is seeking the ethicists? expertise ? are reaching out to ethicists and identifying them as experts with something worthwhile to contribute might itself make it harder for the ethicists to deliver what they think they should. As Elliott argues, the personal relationships may end up creating conflicts of interest that are at least as hard to manage as those that occur when money changes hands. These people asking for our ethical input seem like good folks, motivated at least in part by goals (like helping people with disease) that are noble. We want them to succeed. And we kind of dig that they seem interested in what we have to say. Because we end up liking them as people, we may find it hard to tell them things they don?t want to hear.

And ultimately, Elliott is arguing, barriers to delivering news that people don?t want to hear ? whether those barriers come from financial dependence, the professional prestige that comes when your talents are in demand, or developing personal relationships with the people you?re advising ? are barriers to being a credible ethicist. Bioethics becomes ?the public relations division of modern medicine? (151) rather than carrying on the tradition of gadflies like Socrates. If they were being Socratic gadflies and telling truth to power, Elliott suggests, we would surely be able to find at least a few examples of bioethics who were punished for their candor. Instead, we see the ties between ethicists and the entities they advise growing closer.

This strikes close to home for me, as I aspire to do work in ethics that can have real impacts on the practice of scientific knowledge-building, the training of new scientists, the interaction of scientists with the rest of the world. On the one hand, it seems to help me to understand the details of scientific activity, and the concerns of scientists and scientific trainees. But, if I ?go native? in the tribe of science, Elliott seems to be saying that I could end up dropping the ball as far as what it means to make the kind of contribution a proper ethicist should:

Bioethicists have gained recognition largely by carving out roles as trusted advisers. But embracing the role of trusted adviser means forgoing other potential roles, such as that of the critic. It means giving up on pressuring institutions from the outside, in the manner of investigative reporters. As bioethicists seek to become trusted advisers, rather than gadflies or watchdogs, it will not be surprising if they slowly come to resemble the people they are trusted to advise. And when that happens, moral compromise will be unnecessary, because there will be little left to compromise. (170)

This is strong stuff ? the kind of stuff which, if taken seriously, I hope can keep me on track to offer honest advice even when it?s not what the people or institutions to whom I?m offering it want to hear. Heeding the warnings of a gadfly like Carl Elliott might just help an ethicist do what she has to do to be able to trust herself.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Even a Little Drinking May Raise Breast Cancer Risk: Study

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Going green won't kill jobs during hard times

Claims that environmental regulations will worsen unemployment are false. When the economy is struggling, the opposite is true

IN DECEMBER, the Obama administration approved long-overdue environmental regulations requiring US power plants to reduce emissions of mercury, arsenic and other toxic metals. The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, or air toxics rule, is expected to prevent up to 11,000 premature deaths a year and have many other health benefits. And yet conservative members of Congress oppose it.

Why? Because they say it will "kill jobs". This is a familiar tactic for politicians opposed to any sort of regulation. Conservatives have been scarily disciplined in appending the job-killing label to all regulations, both old and new.

As somebody who has been on the front line of this particular battle, I'm afraid to say that the tactic seems to have resonance. Of course, it has also been a disaster for those interested in a true assessment of regulation's impacts on the economy.

The rationale for attaching the job-killing label to nearly all mentions of regulation is pretty clear: even 32 months after the official end of the recession, the US continues to have a joblessness crisis. While the overall unemployment rate has fallen from its 10 per cent peak in October 2009 to 8.3 per cent last month, the large majority of this decline was explained not by increased job creation, but by a drop in people classifying themselves as actively looking for work.

Conservatives are, in short, hoping to convert the public's justifiable concern about joblessness into support for their decades-long battle against robust environmental, labour and financial regulations.

Voters who might normally be sceptical of efforts to halt regulations that would protect them from mercury and arsenic spewed into the atmosphere could be more receptive to arguments that they should be postponed so as not to threaten an already fragile economic recovery.

These arguments are how I entered this debate. I'm not a regulatory expert, but I am a macroeconomist and thus know what does and does not impact overall job growth. Textbook macroeconomics indicates that, from the perspective of job creation, the best time to enact regulations that may require costly investments is precisely when the economy is depressed.

The reasoning is fairly straightforward. When the economy is functioning well, the impact of new environmental regulation on job growth is roughly neutral, for two reasons. First, the direct effects of regulatory changes generally cut in opposing directions. Take the economic impact of the air toxics rule. The rule requires investment in equipment to abate and control pollution, which will directly create jobs - people must be hired to manufacture and install the scrubbers, filters and baghouses that will reduce toxic emissions. But this extra investment adds to the cost of producing energy. These costs are passed on to energy-using industries, which pass them on to consumers in the form of higher prices. That reduces demand for goods and services, and so destroys jobs.

Generally, these direct influences cancel each other out. Even if they don't, the second reason for regulation's neutral effect on jobs comes into play: the central bank. In an effort to hit its overall inflation and unemployment targets, a nation's central bank - in the US, the Federal Reserve - will simply sterilise any change in job growth stemming from regulatory changes by adjusting interest rates to spur or slow economic activity.

So when the economy is behaving well, environmental regulatory changes are generally irrelevant to job growth. But when the economy is not functioning well, regulatory changes are very likely to create jobs.

There are three reasons for this. First, investments in pollution abatement and control do not threaten to crowd out other investments by monopolising scarce financial capital and hence pushing up interest rates. Financial capital is not scarce during recessions, but opportunities to undertake real investment projects are.

Second, increases in energy costs following the implementation of new rules are unlikely to be passed on to consumers. With lots of excess supply around, firms are not in the position to raise the price of their goods without worrying about the effects on demand. Further, profit margins in the US corporate sector are at a 45-year high, meaning that increased costs can easily be absorbed by companies through reduced profits. Empirical research shows that high profit margins do indeed provide such buffers against price increases.

Lastly, the boost to employment provided by new investments accompanied by muted price responses will not be neutralised by the Federal Reserve, at least not in the next few years, as it has committed to holding interest rates low until unemployment returns to more normal levels.

In the specific case of the air toxics rule, my research indicates that the net impact of the regulations will be to add about 100,000 jobs to the US economy by the end of 2015.

I should be clear: this would not make a large dent in the unemployment figures. But the toxics rule isn't meant to be a job creation programme - it is meant to provide improvements to health and quality of life. And in this primary purpose the research is undeniable that it will hit its target. Holding up its enactment based on fearmongering about jobs is exactly wrong. In fact, pushing forward with it while the economy is depressed would add a modest knock-on benefit of job growth to the much larger benefits it will provide to health and quality of life.

Josh Bivens is acting research and policy director at the Economic Policy Institute, a non-partisan think tank based in Washington DC

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Planning Your Cash Flow As A Solo Professional | Web Article Stacks

So? what?s money move planning? Money move planning is projecting your future money inflows from sales, providers, and loans, and evaluating them to your future cash movement wants (suppliers, salaries/wages, loan payments, taxes, etc.). The difference between the 2 is your internet cash flow.

Why is money circulation planning so necessary? Money stream planning can assist you determine issues down the road, and repair them before they occur. Money circulate planning may also enable you to make choices equivalent to should I attend that conference I?ve needed to attend, ought to I buy the brand new computer I?ve been wanting, or do I need to work extra laborious this month to keep away from a money circulation deficiency next month?

Step one in planning your cash circulate is understanding the place you spend your cash! Solo entrepreneurs must have an excellent grip on both their personal and enterprise spending, as most solo entrepreneurs rely on their business income to meet private finance targets (i.e., pay the bills!). So, you need to observe both your personal and your corporation spending, although I like to recommend that you simply keep them separate (that is a subject all by itself).

What?s one of the best ways to track your spending? You need to use pen & paper, spreadsheets or a software program. The best technique for you is the method that you?ll actually use on a regular basis.

You need to venture your spending for at the least the subsequent 12 months so that you just embody annual and other periodic expenses. In case you are experiencing a cash movement disaster, you must monitor & challenge your money circulation on a weekly basis, instead of monthly.

If you?re an existing business, you can undertaking your cash circulate for the next yr by reviewing your bills for last year. If you?re a new enterprise, you will want to estimate your start up prices along with regular operating expenses.

Begin up prices embrace inventory, legal bills, advertising, licenses & permits, provides, and plenty of more prices that you could be not have thought of. To analysis startup prices you should contact your local Small Enterprise Improvement Heart, contact a SCORE counselor, be a part of groups of comparable enterprise homeowners, and skim as many books or articles yow will discover on the subject.

To enhance your money circulation, you should:

1. Full the primary 3 steps. You have to perceive money flow planning, observe your money circulate, and undertaking your future spending needs earlier than you possibly can enhance your cash flow.

2. Create finest and worst case scenarios and create applicable responses to both scenarios. For example, if your finest case scenario is to increase sales by 50%, how will you use the income? Will you set the income again into the corporate by investing in new tools, coaching, etc.? In case your worst case situation is a drop in gross sales by 50%, how will you continue? accident insurance to cover your monthly expenses? By planning for the best and worst case eventualities, you will be ready for any situation.

3. When estimating your future income, realize that some individuals can pay late, and account for that truth in your projection.

4. Cost what you?re worth. Many companies, particularly service professionals, below-cost when they?re first starting out. This can be a great approach to go out of business. Ensure you are charging what you?re value, and keep in mind you are in enterprise to become profitable, to not give your expertise away for free.

5. Watch what you are promoting spending. Give attention to the value the item brings to your business, and keep away from lavish spending (i.e., do you actually need the quickest, newest laptop accessible?).

6. Do not rent until necessary. Consider using virtual assistants or temporary employees earlier than hiring everlasting employees.

7. Give incentives for early fee for merchandise and services. On the flip side, chase down invoices the minute they?re late. Charge curiosity or late charges to encourage timely payments.

8. Update your cash flow regularly. Your money movement plan will change steadily as your small business grows. It?s possible you?ll need to update your cash stream plan weekly whenever you first get began, then swap to month-to-month once you?ve got a superb handle in your cash flow.

Keep in mind ? whether you?re a new or rising enterprise, your cash stream projection could make the difference between success and failure.


This post is written by Nicholas Lee 18


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Monday, March 26, 2012

Symptoms and signs and symptoms of Breast cancer | Free Videos ...

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women apart from nonmelanoma skin cancers. It is the subsequent leading cause of demise by cancer in ladies

A woman has a lifetime accident of creating invasive breast blight of about one in 8, or 13%.

What are the The signs of Breast Cancer?

In its aboriginal development, breast blight typically has no symptoms. As a bump develops, you could possibly agenda the after that signs:

An agglomeration in the breast area or underarm that persists afterwards your own menstrual cycle; generally the aboriginal reputable evidence of breast cancer , breast chastening are painless, although some people might may could cause an exasperating sensation. Chastening are usually arresting using a mammogram continued afore they could be apparent or felt.
Swelling in the armpit.
Although chastening is usually painless, affliction as well as amore in the breast can be an assurance of breast cancer.
An apparent flattening or perhaps angle on the busts, which may announce a bump that cannot be obvious or felt.
Any improvement in the size, contour, texture and consistancy, or temperature from the breast; a red, alveolate apparent like the derma connected with an orange could be an guarantee of avant-garde breast cancer.
A difference in the nipple, for example an indrawn or biconcave glimpse, agog or afire sensation, or ulceration; ascent of the nipple area is appropriate of Paget?s disease, a localized most cancers.
Unusual acquittal from the nipple that may be clear, bloody as well as addition color. It?s often acquired by pleasant altitude but could end up being due to blight occasionally.
A marble-like breadth beneath the skin color.

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Symptoms You Can See or maybe Feel

Abscess or agglomeration (mass) in the breast
Abscess inside the armpit (lymph nodes)
Nipple acquittal (clear as well as bloody)
Affliction in the nipple area
Astern or abandoned nipple area
Scaly or alveolate derma on nipple
Assiduous amore of the breast
Abnormal breast affliction or irritation

What are the Signs of Breast cancers?

Often there are no obvious signs of breast blight that you can see or maybe feel. If there are actually apparent signs, the extra accepted ones protect a lump, the breadth of thickening, or perhaps a cavity in the breasts. Less accepted indications cover breast abscess and bloom or an ongoing underarm lymph node.

Physical assay of the breast is one method to acquisition breast cancer. You can apprehend about added screening methods for try out breast blight within our Screening & Testing part.

For more information about breast cancer symptoms visit our website


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Senegal president, ex-protege face off in 2nd vote

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) ? Senegal's aging president pumped his fists triumphantly in the air Sunday as he passed supporters at his polling station in the capital, while voters cast their ballots in a runoff election that could oust the 85-year-old leader after 12 years in power.

It's a rare occasion in sub-Saharan Africa where a longtime incumbent could be pushed out of office through a transparent vote, though some already question whether President Abdoulaye Wade would in fact go if he loses Sunday's election.

Wade became president in 2000 after the man in power conceded defeat in a historic move, but already Wade has insisted on running for a third term, even though he had originally revised the constitution to impose a two-term maximum.

His decision to seek re-election has infuriated many voters in this country on Africa's western coast. When Wade cast his ballot last month in the first round of balloting, some voters even booed him at the poll shouting: "Old man, get lost."

Wade fell short of the 50 percent needed last month to avoid a runoff, receiving only 34.82 percent ? a poor showing after easily winning outright in 2007. He faced off Sunday against the very man who ran his last campaign five years ago ? former Prime Minister Macky Sall, who received 26.58 percent in the first round and now has the support of the dozen other opposition candidates.

This time around, thousands turned up outside Wade's polling station in a show of force. Dozens of young men stood on their cars, holding their voting cards in the air, alongside pictures of an influential religious figure who has lent his support to Wade.

"Wade isn't leaving, he is staying," the crowds chanted in the Wolof language. After casting his ballot, Wade rode in an open-air vehicle, as supporters ran alongside his vehicle.

While police fired tear gas at some Wade supporters who were chanting too close to the polling station, voting inside the station was orderly. Voters held prayer beads and queued in the shade of a mango tree waiting to cast a ballot and have their finger marked in indelible red ink.

Jean Diouf, a young accountant waiting in line to vote at another school in the capital, said he believes the country needs a change in direction. The 2007 election was his first chance to vote, and at the time he backed Wade. Since then, the 23-year-old says the cost of living has skyrocketed.

"Things have to change," he said. "If the vote is transparent, Wade has no chance."

Even older voters who had backed Wade in previous years said they thought it was time for new political leadership.

Mamadou Gueye, 67, credited Wade with many accomplishments but the retired public employee said life remained difficult for him, his two wives and his 20 children.

"We need to replace the political leadership," Gueye said Sunday after casting his ballot for Sall. "My children are unemployed. On the national health plan, nothing works."

Wade has overseen unprecedented economic growth in this country of more than 12 million, with new buildings sprouting up everywhere across the seaside capital of Dakar.

However, those gains have not trickled down to most voters, who have battled against rising costs of living, unemployment and frequent power cuts. Violent protests leading up to the election have left at least six people dead, and analysts have warned of further unrest if Wade wins.

On the streets of Senegal's capital, images of Wade on campaign posters have their eyes scratched out. His convoy was hit by rocks in the final days of the runoff campaign.

Jennifer Cooke, the director of the Africa program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said in the short term a Wade victory "won fairly or foully" would be tremendously controversial.

"I think he's kind of pushed Senegalese patience to the limit. And I think it would be understood as a fraudulent election by many Senegalese," she said. "His victory would be a bridge too far ... Even if he wins legally, it will be assumed that he won fraudulently."

In an interview at his Dakar home Saturday, Sall told reporters he hoped Wade would respect the ballot's outcome.

"With him, one never knows. In any case, Wade was 25 years in the opposition and he became president afterward," Sall said. "If he is beaten, he must accept it," he said. "Now, if he doesn't accept it, he will be exposing himself to the anger of the people who have shown that they want change and to turn the page, but I think and I hope that this will not happen."

Senegal is one of the region's most mature democracies where voters could successfully oust an incumbent through voting. By comparison, mutinous soldiers in neighboring Mali launched a coup in recent days that has forced President Amadou Toumani Toure into hiding after a decade in power. In Ivory Coast, longtime incumbent Laurent Gbagbo refused to concede defeat, bringing the country to the brink of civil war.

In Senegal, Sunday's race is being portrayed as a choice between the incumbent elder or the younger Sall, who was born after Senegal won its independence from France.

Sall, 50, is a geologist by training who worked for years under Wade. The two, though, had a subsequent fallout and now Wade has taken to describing Sall as an apprentice who has not yet taken in "the lessons of his mentor."

The United States already has called Wade's candidacy "regrettable" and a threat to the country's democracy.

Wade was once considered rare among African leaders for his commitment to democracy in a neighborhood better known for rule by strongmen. His image began to suffer after he began giving an increasing share of power to his son Karim, who was derisively called "the Minister of the Sky and the Earth" after he was handed control of multiple ministries including infrastructure and energy.

The president also tried to rush a law through parliament that would have reduced the percentage a candidate needed to win on the first round from 50 to around 25 percent. He was forced to scrap the proposal after riots immobilized the capital.

Dr. Johny Assane said he voted for Wade in 2000 when he came to power but has since become disillusioned with the president. While he says he is financially secure, he has seen how others have failed to benefit from Wade's leadership.

"The situation of my patients who come to get medicine in my office have really regressed," he said. "Everywhere there are children who parents are finding it difficult to pay for their treatment and that shows me that the country is not working."


Associated Press writer Tomas Faye in Dakar, Senegal contributed to this report.


Krista Larson can be reached at


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Source: --- Friday, March 23, 2012
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Proper Way to Use Blogs to Generate Traffic to Your Online Business

Article by Allan See

There is nothing more frustrating for an online business owner than having tiny or no traffic to the business website. Not enough traffic means the online business can't make money. Many people already have blogs to promote their online business, but still struggle with getting adequate traffic. There are a number of things that one can do to drive traffic to the blog and to the World wide web business.

Blogging is one of the few free ways for generating traffic, and if used correctly, can do wonders for a web business, especially help it to make money. To be healthy to make money, it is crucial that the blogger generates enough traffic to the blog. Traffic quantity translates to customer volume. Successful online business and successful blog are positively co-related.

The first step to traffic building for both blog and World wide web business is to ensure that you write keeping in mind the target audience, which are your customers. The content of the blog needs to appeal to them, as this is what will make people want to read it. The World wide web business blog needs to be consistent with the aspirations of your online business for it to be successful. When customers visit often, then it is easier for the World wide web business to make money.

A second tip is to think of key words for your blog. It is important to first research on what key words are favourite with World wide web users, as this could decide whether the business can make money. Key words go a long way in encouraging traffic, and are the reason for visibility and increased traffic. Spend time looking for the appropriate keywords, and place them with strategy throughout the blog.

Key words are what will ensure that the blog is easily accessible to the target audience. Without keywords, it will be very difficult for a mortal to find the blog among the numerous others that are in the Internet. Proper choice and implementation of keywords into the blogging effort is the reason why traffic goes to an World wide web business website, and that is how an online business can make money.

For an World wide web business to be healthy to make money, the online business blog must help to sustain the website traffic. One sure way is to have good content for the World wide web business blog. If the visitors feel that the content relates to them, then they will want to read more and keep coming back. The information needs to be consistent and helpful to the reader; otherwise they will not want to come back.

Lastly, an online business blog needs to reflect the goals and purpose of the online business. Blogging is a great and essential tool for traffic building, and can do wonders for the online business. This is the reason as to why the readers need to get accurate information about the online business. This will increase traffic, and encourage more people to conduct business with the World wide web business, and finally it becomes a reality to make money.

There is no doubt that blogging is a powerful tool for traffic building. By following these steps, it is only a matter of time before traffic to your World wide web business website improves drastically. All these tips are saint for any kind of World wide web business. Blogging for web traffic building is definitely something to be taken seriously if an World wide web business owner wants to succeed to make money.

About the Author

Allan See is full time into making money online.

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Paint 'n' Pork Fest back with new entertainment | JCFLORIDAN

Fireworks fill the air at Citizens Lodge as the 2011 Marianna Arts Fest and BBQ Cook-Off comes to a close.- Mark Skinner/Floridan

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The Marianna Arts Festival and BBQ Cook-Off is gearing up with new entertainment, fresh art and, of course, a lot of barbeque.

Dubbed ?Paint ?n? Pork Fest,? the event will be held noon-10 p.m. on April 20, and 9 a.m. until the fireworks display around 7 p.m. on April 21, at Citizens Lodge Park in Marianna. Admission is $3 a person.

The festival centers around BBQ and art contests, but a number of other events and activities will keep locals entertained all day long.

?It?s just good clean family fun,? said Jonathan Fuqua, the event?s chairman. ?We have a lot of local art and talent in the community.?

The Hunky Hog Womanless Beauty Pageant is a new contest this year. Local men will don women?s clothing and strut their stuff for the crowd on April 21 at 5 p.m. Rumors of participation from local law enforcement, firefighters, doctors and more in this event are circling. Each participant will be given a ?pig? name and the audience can help him win by donating to his bucket.

?One of the wives said he?s having a devil of a time finding heels in a size 14,?said the pageant?s coordinator Jeanine Meese.

Anyone interested in participating can email Meese at

Another new addition to the festival is a chicken wing eating contest at 2 p.m. Saturday.

Children will have a number of games and activities to participate in. Evangel Worship Center and Rivertown Community Church will provide carnival style games, said coordinator Tiffany Garling. Local artist Angie Baxter will also have several pig-themed painting activities. The 144th Transportation Company plans to bring some of their vehicles for children to look at. Locals can also enjoy some kite flying on the windy fields of Citizens Lodge.

Rides and activities for older children will be onsite. A mechanical bull, mobile zipline, rockwall, bounce house, and an inflatable obstacle course called ?Spider Mountain & Bungee? will provide hours of entertainment.

For musical entertainment, the headliner on April 20 will be country band the Emerald County Line at 7 p.m. Cottondale Elementary?s choir, Graceville High School?s middle and high school bands, the Marianna High School band and Marianna High School jazz band will perform the afternoon of April 20, along with local band Late Night Radio.

The headliner on April 21 will be the Robert Wayne and the No Name Band at 7:30 p.m. Also on April 21, the Millsap Dance Company, Riverside Beaver Choir, Heritage Harmony, Jayme Michael Bryan and Heyword will all perform.

Participants for some of the activities need to submit applications, a few by a deadline. This includes the BBQ and Art contests, vendors for arts and crafts or food, and 5K walk/runners.

Professional and backyard barbequers alike will have a chance to compete in the Florida BBQ Association sanctioned BBQ contest. The competition will start April 20 and the judging will take place April 21.

The 2 Fit 2 Squeal 5K Run/Walk will be held on April 21 at 8 a.m. at Citizens Lodge Park.

Artists using a variety of mediums, from drawing to quilting, can bring two pieces of their work to the art contest. Children as young as preschoolers to adults can participate. There are a variety of prizes. All participants under fifth grade will receive ribbons.

?It?s basically to encourage people, not necessarily the professional artists, more the beginning artists and students, to give them a place to show off what they can do,? said Lisa Pelt, the contest?s coordinator, of the goal of the contest.


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Friday, March 23, 2012

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Food and drink matching trends: Spirits/Cocktails

As we have seen in previous parts of this feature, food and drink can be a marriage made in heaven for restaurants and pubs. But cocktails, ap?ritifs and spirits are not products that tend to be associated with food and they are rarely even advertised or upsold.

It comes as no surprise then, that the majority of operators will divert from pairing these drinks with food on menus. But that is not to say the two can?t or shouldn?t go together. In fact, with a little forethought and initiative, your business could capitalise on these high cash-margin drinks and drastically increase average spend per head.

The newly opened Gillray?s Steakhouse and Bar in London?s Marriot Hotel County Hall is doing exactly that. Aiming to bring a ?quintessentially English drinking experience? to South Bank, the venue features 33 English gins and five English vodkas as well as a selection of cocktails listed through the ages.

Bar manager Karina Elias, who helped design the menu, says: ?The restaurant and bar at Gillray?s share the same ?English? ethos. The restaurant offers the best of English produce sourced from across England, and so does the bar.

?Wine is the immediate choice for diners, but it?s not the only drink that can complement a dish. Choosing to pair your meal with a cocktail, for example, can provide a very different taste experience.

?A cocktail shouldn?t overpower the food or detract your attention away from its flavour. It can also act as a great aperitif to a meal, opening up a customer?s palate to different flavours and textures. Our restaurant menu features a ?Kick Start? section, which recommends a selection of signature gin cocktails as the perfect start to a dining experience.?

A step further

The Ambrette restaurant, with sites in Margate and Rye, has taken things a step further. Inspired by a recent trip to Scotland, chef patron Dev Biswal is to serve up a special, seven-course sampling menu with matched whiskies next month.

?Each of the seven courses will be accompanied by a 25ml glass of whisky,? explains Biswal. ?The idea is to not match something that is really strong or overpowering, with food that is strong or overpowering. It?s quite similar to wine matching in that aspect.

?Today, restaurants are more about the experience than just about food. You can start with an aperitif which is not too strong, then gradually take the strength up with spirits and cocktails throughout the meal, and then slowly bring things back down for desert.?

Not only will matching spirits or cocktails with food enhance a customer?s experience, it can provide a win-win situation for the restaurant and the drinks company.

So says Alexandre Quentin, UK ambassador for?R?my Martin - the brand has its own chef, working full-time to develop effective food pairing combinations and recipes. It also recently held a food matching dinner at Massimo's Restaurant?& Oyster Bar to mark the release of the new expression of its VSOP Cognac.

?It?s important for us as a Cognac brand to encourage people to try their drinks in a different way, and food matching is an effective way of doing that,? says Quentin. ?Everyone can benefit from matching spirits and cocktails with food; the consumer in terms of the experience; the restaurant because it is upselling the drink; and the drinks brand because we are putting ourselves forward and boosting our own sales.?

Training and preparation

So when it comes to spirits and cocktails, the marriage of kitchen and bar appears to be providing operators with an opportunity not to be missed. But it may not be right for your business. As Tom Forrest, senior wine and spirit expert at London tasting venue Vinopolis , warns, it can come at a cost and effective pairings can be hard to pull off.

?The main thing that puts people off about cocktails is that there is a lot of preparation involved,? he says. ?Bar staff have to be trained to learn how to create and mix cocktails properly and equipment needs to be purchased ? you can?t just suddenly decide that you are going to offer them.

?They are harder to match as well, as the flavours are multifaceted due to the different combinations of alcohol used.? The main thing to remember is to try and match the types of flavours - martini?s go well with light and savoury foods such as olives because they balance out the bitterness of the drink.

?Spirits can be matched a lot more easily with food than cocktails as the flavours are less complex. There are some great classic combinations such as coastal whisky and oysters ? the salt compliments the fishiness of the oysters ? and artisan vodka with greasy Polish sausages.?

Top tips to successful spirits/cocktails and food matching:

Quentin from R?my Martin: ?Don?t try to do too much. We don?t normally do a whole cognac dinner from starter to dessert, because it would overwhelm the customer.? Forrest from Vinopolis added: ?Don?t try and create huge cocktail menus - it?s about quality drinks and premium spirits rather than quantity.?

Forrest: ?Decide how you are going to incorporate spirit and food matching into your business ? is it going to be via tasting masterclasses, drink recommendations on the food menus or a dedicated tasting menu??

Forrest: ?Successful food and spirit matching is all about practice work out what works and what doesn?t.? Quentin added: ?Don?t be scared to recommend something unusual, as long as you and your staff have tried it initially.?

  • Be innovative and creative

Elias from Gillray?s: ?Try something new that will challenge both your team and your customers. ?There are new ingredients and techniques being introduced all the time; don?t be afraid to explore them.?

Elias: ?be mindful of what your restaurant?s key selling points and offers are, and honour them. An integrated and consistent approach is vital.?

Five effective flavour combinations:

  1. Grilled rib eye steak with aged Armagnac
  2. Smoked salmon with Scotch whisky
  3. Thyme-smoked shoulder cut with an Apple Sour
  4. Roast duck with a citrus-based cocktail
  5. Roquefort or Stilton with VSOP cognac

Read all our articles on food and drink matching trends here


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Is Demi Moore overly Photoshopped in makeup ad?

By Bruna Nessif, E! Online

Before you get defensive, we're happy to see Demi Moore back to work, and she is beautiful. We know that, you know that, everybody knows that, and that's why we ask this question.

The star's latest ads for Helena Rubinstein's 2012 campaign have been released, and all we can focus our attention on is the massive amount of Photoshopping going on.

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Let's see, there's absolutely no wrinkles or facial lines whatsoever, her nose and chin seem a different shape and suddenly, her tan has vanished. Yes, people always notice these things.

We understand that all ads and widely distributed photos get some retouching done, it's part of the biz, but it's Demi Moore. How much do you really have to fix?

Sure, her recent situation with ex Ashton Kutcher and barely getting out of rehab might have added a few stress lines to her face, and to that, we say fine--erase those on the computer.

GALLERY: Celeb underwear ads

However, changing almost everything? Not necessary.

Do you think Demi Moore's ads were?overly Photoshopped? Tell us on Facebook.

Is the ad overly retouched?

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